

#SustainableSkillsBartering #TalentAs-A-Service

about us :

Innovative semantic web marketplace born in 2018 to enable any organization to achieve bold project while using other companies’ staff and talent per mission to fit and deliver foreseen requirements from time to time. Talent motivation centric together with delivery focused, the templates and match making is trained and rolled out to find your answer to your needs, singular and specific, and perform your mission remotely with frugality, efficiency and operational measurable positive impact on companies empowerment and productivity.

Mission and Skills cartography and dashboards

Circular talent economy mobility management tool

Match making SaaS solution enabling on demand path between bold project and relevant Talent as a Service


Alexandra BRÉHIERPresident and founder
E-mail : contact@talentcoin.tech
Tél. : +33 (0)6 43 91 59 23 – +33 (0)6 07 93 19 72

2037 chemin de Provence – 06510 Gattières – France

Website : TalentCoin