SCS Cluster

SCS Cluster

#AI #Cybersecurity #IoT #Data #SecurityIndustry #SmartCity

about us :

SCS (Secured Communicating Solutions), created in 2005, is a digital cluster based in the region SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, in France, and gathers 300 members, including companies (and 70% of SMEs), research centers and educational institutions in the fields of Microelectronics, IoT, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Security, mainly applied to Health, Smart cities, Industry 4.0, Transport & mobility (including smart vehicle).

The cluster represents 26 multinational companies, 1200 researchers in the public sector and 18 educational institutions.

Its aim is to encourage collaborative innovation by promoting the development of competitive R&D projects between all these players with the support of local communities, in order to design and develop new solutions targeting high-growth markets such as IoT, smart cities, smart buildings, Industry 4.0, logistics and transport or e-health.

To achieve ambitious goals of innovation and growth for its companies, SCS has deployed a winning strategy:

· involve the best industrial and academic partners in innovative R&D or industrialization projects and support them towards the best French and European financing programs

· connect promising SMEs and startups with the best large group for experiments, projects and business relationships

· position its players in the most important sector initiatives to give them publicity and opportunities and make the ecosystem essential in the strategic orientations of France and at European level

· internationally, SCS implements partnerships with major multi-national groups and leading foreign clusters


Aldric TOUTINSME Support
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 13 89 35 04

Place Paul Borde – 13790 Rousset – France

Website : SCS Cluster