#Particles #Pollens #Pollution #RealTime #Alert #Decision-Support

about us :

Imaging particles in the air to prevent associated risks.

ŌBERON is a technology company born of public laboratories in the field of atmospheric sciences. The patented Aerotape device has been developed and is manufactured by ŌBERON in Grenoble, in the French Alps. It consists in a sensor that uses imaging and AI to characterize in real time the different types of particles in the air: pollen, mold, mineral dust, abrasion particles, ash, etc. As it collects particles on a time-stamped tape, samples can also be read back offline, just like images from a security camera, for quality control or research purposes.

ŌBERON’s 10-people team transforms this unprecedented data into tools for prevention or decision support in ecological transition markets.

ŌBERON is a commercial player in pollen monitoring and related services in France and abroad. Aerotape also reports unprecedented information on the industrial emissions market, enabling sources to be identified and located. The versatility of Aerotape measurements allows one sensor to be simultanously used for both applications.

Pollen allergies affect one in three people. Local authorities play a key role in prevention, which in turn enhances your area attractiveness. We provide you with qualified data to inform & advice your fellow citizens and local healthcare providers.

While prevention is dedicated to the citizens, data are simultaneously produced for the authorities to manage the pollen/biodiversity issue: which species, geographical origin of allergenic pollens, assessment of health-environment decisions, etc.

Children doing what children do, experiencing and learning in a playful and complicit way.Air particles tracks other issues. Pollen & molds trace biodiversity and allergy risk. Mineral dust informs on how sources like sandstorms, road dust incl. abrasion, industrial emissions, etc. affect PM10 levels ; thus which decisions to prioritize.


E-mail : contact@oberon.one
Tél. : +33 (0)6 04 53 09 75

300 Avenue des Papeteries – 38190 Villard-Bonnot – France