

#Heritage #SoundInnovation #Enhancement #Attractivity #SoundSolution #Creativity

about us :

Losonnante is an innovative company that offers a sound device to cities so their visitors and inhabitants can discover its heritage by listening through their bodies. Using bone conduction, sound passes through the elbows to the hands that are then places over the ears.

Thus, cities enhance their heritage, attract new audiences and widen the listening experience. Listener have a unique, high impact and emotional experience.

The terminals are waterproof, autonomous and silent. It’s perfect for noisy and outdoors spaces and it doesn’t generate noise. There is no maintenance, management or hygiene constraints. This device can be used without a QR code or mobile app, creating truly shared moments.

Losonnante has already established a number of trusted partnership such as “La Cité des Sciences” in Paris, the zoological park of Paris or the city of “Saint Etienne”.

Coming from research laboratories such as the CNRS, the device is eco friendly and inclusive as it offers uninhibited access for families, children, people with reduced mobility and the visually and hearing impaired.

This type of listening is engaging and users are immersed in an auditory adventure experiencing a different perception of vibrations. The terminal can be integrated into furniture or any custom-made object. Designs can be adapted for content and location. It proposes an immense stenographic freedom.

With Losonnante, cover your ears and listen!

An emotional moment shared in family. The mum is “passing” the sound to its son through her own body.

Contemplating a outdoor scenery enhanced with sound. The listener is immersed and fascinated.

Children doing what children do, experiencing and learning in a playful and complicit way.


Fabien ROLLANDInformation & Sales
E-mail : f.rolland@losonnante.fr
Tél. : +33 (0)6 86 21 95 55

88 Rue Anatole France – 38100 Grenoble – France

Website : Losonnante