SCS Cluster

SCS Cluster

#AI #Cybersecurity #IoT #Data #SecurityIndustry #SmartCity

about us :

SCS (Secured Communicating Solutions), created in 2005, is a digital cluster based in the region SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, in France, and gathers 300 members, including companies (and 70% of SMEs), research centers and educational institutions in the fields of Microelectronics, IoT, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Security, mainly applied to Health, Smart cities, Industry 4.0, Transport & mobility (including smart vehicle).

The cluster represents 26 multinational companies, 1200 researchers in the public sector and 18 educational institutions.

Its aim is to encourage collaborative innovation by promoting the development of competitive R&D projects between all these players with the support of local communities, in order to design and develop new solutions targeting high-growth markets such as IoT, smart cities, smart buildings, Industry 4.0, logistics and transport or e-health.

To achieve ambitious goals of innovation and growth for its companies, SCS has deployed a winning strategy:

· involve the best industrial and academic partners in innovative R&D or industrialization projects and support them towards the best French and European financing programs

· connect promising SMEs and startups with the best large group for experiments, projects and business relationships

· position its players in the most important sector initiatives to give them publicity and opportunities and make the ecosystem essential in the strategic orientations of France and at European level

· internationally, SCS implements partnerships with major multi-national groups and leading foreign clusters


Aldric TOUTINSME Support
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 13 89 35 04

Place Paul Borde – 13790 Rousset – France

Website : SCS Cluster



#VideoAnalysis #AI #SmartMobility #Safety #FlowManagement #SustainableCity

about us :

VIDETICS is a French publisher of Intelligent Video Analysis software specializing in Deep Learning, founded in 2019.

VIDETICS’ core business is the development of video analysis tools using Artificial Intelligence through software solutions specific to the world of Smart Cities. VIDETICS PERCEPTION software provides operators and decision-makers with the most relevant information for decision-making. The solution generates alerts and statistical data in real time so that infrastructure managers can anticipate and prevent road congestion and avert the dangers signaled by the software.

Our functions:
– counting and statistics of people & vehicles
– intrusion detection
– investigation of people & vehicles
– dynamic blurring
– posture detection
– speed estimate
– detection of wrong-way vehicle
– detection of hot spots
– illegal dumping
– crowd management
Like many cities, use AI to serve people and become more inclusive for the well-being of all!
Perception will interact with your city’s third-party systems, traffic lights and various intelligent sensors, enabling you to become the city of tomorrow!

Counting and alerts of people & vehicles

The solution generates alerts and statistical data in real time, enabling infrastructure managers to anticipate and prevent road congestion and avert the dangers signalled by the device.

Crowd management

View the flow of people on our interface and be alerted in real time to crowd movements: people grouping together, people moving away, people grouping together, people going against the flow, etc.

Investigation of people & vehicles

Use our interface to find the people or the vehicle you’re looking for based on similarity of appearance. Enter your search criteria and adjust the tolerance slider.


Sacha LACHAUXHead of Sales
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 02 09 78 97

2000 route des Lucioles Pythagore A Les Algorithmes – 06410 Biot – France

Website : Videtics



#SustainableSkillsBartering #TalentAs-A-Service

about us :

Innovative semantic web marketplace born in 2018 to enable any organization to achieve bold project while using other companies’ staff and talent per mission to fit and deliver foreseen requirements from time to time. Talent motivation centric together with delivery focused, the templates and match making is trained and rolled out to find your answer to your needs, singular and specific, and perform your mission remotely with frugality, efficiency and operational measurable positive impact on companies empowerment and productivity.

Mission and Skills cartography and dashboards

Circular talent economy mobility management tool

Match making SaaS solution enabling on demand path between bold project and relevant Talent as a Service


Alexandra BRÉHIERPresident and founder
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 43 91 59 23 – +33 (0)6 07 93 19 72

2037 chemin de Provence – 06510 Gattières – France

Website : TalentCoin



#Mapping #Detection #AI #Litter #ZeroWaste #Environment

about us :

LitterSnap provides services to optimize Private and Public Space Management by detecting and mapping anomalies (litter & common disorders) using existing cameras.

The offer is mostly targeted at: 1/ private companies or public authorities dealing with waste management and cleaning services; 2/ organizations open to the public handling outdoor zones with large visitor attendance. The products are suitable to temporary or permanent space occupation.

The customer benefits are multi-fold:
– reach the best trade-off Quality vs. OPEX (operational expenditures) at a marginal cost,
– gradually improve the quality of service and the way of working including safety rules, routines, and procedures,
– reduce the overall expenditures,
– enhance the local environment attractiveness and maximize the tourism turnover,
– create shared value for all area users.

The solution employs as much as possible equipment of opportunity to minimize the global footprint. The anomaly detection is completed by some specific image processing, and data is visualized with a tailored digital interface. The features are selected with the customer to offer the optimal custom-made solution with personalized objectives.


The anomalies are detected, classified, and positioned by processing images, which may come from different camera types (fixed, mobile). The best technical scheme is determined depending on the environment specifics and your requirements.


Geolocated data is displayed on a map with interactive functionalities (zoom in/out, clustering, 1-click PiP). This allows you to get an overview, obtain a first level of understanding, and dig into details if needed.

Measuring KPI

You define your own KPI and data is processed accordingly. For instance, you may observe the anomaly scattering to make relevant decisions and analyze its trend to control the actual efficiency of deployed actions based on facts.


Luc HAUMONTÉPresident
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)7 86 52 95 62

Hotel Technoptic, 2 rue Marc Donadille – 13013 Marseille- France

Website : LitterSnap



#AccessControl #EnergyManagement #SmartBuilding #FacilityManagement

about us :

Ineo-Sense design and provide IOT devices dedicated to organization’s digitalization.

Specialized in embedded electronics and expert in radio communication, Ineo-Sense imagined Clover-Core®, a microelectronics platform dedicated to industrial IOT. The Clover-Core® allows the realization of advanced function to offer added value services as real-time transmission, ultra-low power consumption, data encryption, remote update, inventory on the fly, Automatic time synchronization, datalogging events, …

Ineo-Sense has a large catalog of products in the field of asset tracking, process security, energy management and predictive maintenance. By addressing multiple use cases, Ineo-Sense is agnostic in the choice of technologies to operate its sensors.

In order to best serve the constraints of our customers, Ineo-Sense uses and masters the different types of telecom technologies: LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, LTE-M, Sigfox, BLE, etc. This know-how allows us to deploy in many markets from industry 4.0 to Smartcity, including construction and aeronautics

INEO-SENSE product range


Thanks to its two-way communication in real time, it allows :
– Activation of electric strikes remotely from doors or storage boxes.
-Control/supervision of all access
-Control of motors or actuators
-Status reporting between different ACS-REport-IO

Stay connected and more especially with the upcoming arrival of new cellular technology such as LTE-M and NB-IoT which will be soon integrated into our products…

Contact us for more information…


E-mail :
Tél. : +33 4 66 27 64 95 – +33 4 66 27 64 95

125 Rue de l’Hostellerie, Immeuble Ellipsis – 30900 Nîmes – France

Website : INEO-SENSE



#PedestrianMobility #IOT #RealTime #Wifi #Bluetooth #SuperVisor #Crowdmanagement #Smartcities #Architecture #UrbanPlanning

about us :

INOCESS designs complex electronic devices for crowd flow and energy management. The realization is entirely led by its internal teams, from the most upstream R&D phases to prototypes and industrialization. During its early years, in the purpose of achieving the smart city approach, INOCESS has worked on topics related to the design of intelligent and autonomous embedded systems as wireless sensor networks focusing and investing in the Nextent® solution.
Nextent® ecosystem providing real-time measurement in addition to offline data processing permitting the ability to comprehend, analyse, and propose improvement for the existing architectural and urban fabric or recommendations to the newly designed facilities.
Nextent® solution is dedicated to monitoring interactions between people, places and objects. Thanks to its products and services covering the entire process of field measurement, Nextent® is a complete ecosystem providing pseudonymized / anonymized / aggregated crowd density and flow data. Applied to the pedestrian flow management, this range of products is made up of a set of fixed and portable sensors, communication gateways as well as data monitoring dashboards.

Nextent® benefits from a variety of devices of different shapes and purposes “TOWER, EKO, TAG” ensuring a safe and well-connected network as well as being fully compliant with GDPR.

Nextent® offers unique and flexible deployments optimizing constrained environments. Its architecture allows to respect both detection and infrastructure constraints while the server interfaces and API’s interact with stakeholders and systems.

With the detailed Nextent® dashboard, real-time data processing was made accessible and user-friendly, providing an understandable interface for a better instant decision making regarding an efficient security and flow live management.


Gregory BEDDELEEMChief Commercial Officer
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)4 93 33 57 38 – +33 (0)7 55 61 27 41

Le Carat, 200 rue du Vallon – 06560 Sophia Antipolis – FRANCE

Website : INOCESS



#BusinessIntelligence #Data #Analytics #DataCommunication #Dataviz #Dashboard

about us :

DigDash is a software company founded in 2006 and based in Aix en Provence, Paris and Madrid.

Led by 4 experts in business intelligence, who worked for Business Objects in Silicon Valley, DigDash is now the European company challenging the American giants in dashboarding and analytics. With over 150,000 users in 25 countries, DigDash Enterprise helps its users to effectively manage, explore and communicate their data.

In DigDash’s DNA, there are 3 fundamental elements:
● AGILE: In a never-stop improvement approach, DigDash strives to remain flexible.
● EASY: DigDash Enterprise stands out for its ease of use at every level.
● STRONG: Robust, the solution is recognized as one of the most powerful on the market.

No. 1 in the public sector in France, DigDash provides services compliant with European directives, particularly tailored to the requirements of public institutions. Our challenge: to protect your data from the American FISA and Cloud-Act laws, which force companies headquartered in the USA to provide their customers’ data on request. Your security and confidentiality concerns are a priority for us.

DigDash is now extending its presence to the Spanish public sector, and has already completed a very successful interactive communication dashboard project for the city of Cartagena (Murcia), to communicate publicly on the progress of its CSR objectives.


Presentation of key indicators to give decision-makers an overview and status report instantly.


Presentation of graphs enabling teams to enter into the details of the information in complete autonomy.


Documental graphics to provide data and an explanatory context for a non-expert audience.


Eric GAVOTYSenior Vice President
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 09 09 09 25

Arteparc Fuveau, 29 allée Saint Jean, La Barque – 13710 Fuveau – France

Website : Digdash