Atrium Data

Atrium Data

#Decarbonization #EnergyEfficiency #RenewableEnergies #EnergyIndependency #Autonomy

about us :

Since its creation in 2007, Atrium Data has put innovation and R&D at the heart of its development strategy.  
Firstly, by creating patented solutions for a new datacenter concept. Concept awarded by ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) for its unrivalled energy performance: 95% of energy savings in cooling. 

Then by diversifying into decarbonization engineering. Our main target is to make companies independent with 100% of renewable energies. 

We favor a global approach of companies’ energy model. We go through a detailed understanding of their business processes in order to intelligently reduce their consumptions. The actions we propose are based on a mix of proven technical solutions, optimizing investment and operational costs. 

Always bring new solutions but never putting clients in an experimental position. 

Independent from any manufacturer, we articulate for each project the best return for our Client. 

Main benefits : 

– Significant savings : In addition to CO2, decarbonation also means lower consumption and the use of cheaper energy sources; 

-Energy autonomy and tariff independence: Preserve the company from dependence on fossil fuel and from the instability of energy prices; 

-Attractiveness of the company: Enhance the image and positioning of the company through a CSR environmental approach; 

– Valuation of the site : Reducing lease expenses you add value to the real-estate itself. 

-Preservation of the environment: 100% renewable energy; 

-Continuity of services: Structures more resilient by organizing back-up solution in case of failure, at very limited cost. 

Inachis & Co (Bordeaux)

Private heating and cooling network using 100% renewable energies, including waste calories and frigories. 

A real-estate complex with a Datacenter + a greenhouse + a sports hall + a brewery + office space and, nearby, fifteen retail outlets made energy self-sufficient.

Datacenter’s Perfomance

-95% of energy savings  

-Complete elimination of gas 

-PUE < 1.1  

-Tier IV certification (by the Uptime Institute)

-High density for each rack possible ( > 30kW ) 

Energy self-sufficiency for businesses

Here are the different sectors we address today: Healthcare; Agri-food activities including greenhouses and industries; Tertiary, logistics and commercial buildings; Wine châteaux, Hotel complexes and open-air hotels.  

Our main target is to make companies independent with 100% of renewable energies. 

Independent from any manufacturer, we articulate for each project the best return for our Client. 


Michel DERNISPresident
Tél. : +33(0)6 50 37 98 44

16 Avenue Jean Perrin – 33700 Mérignac – France

Website : Atrium Data