Booth 3-D110-C
#WindAssessing #Design #SpecificTools #CableEngineering #Monitoring #Maintenance
about us :
IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is the French institute for research and training in energy, mobility and the environment. Its teams innovate for a low-carbon and sustainable world, from scientific concepts through to technological solutions. IFPEN focuses its efforts on bringing solutions to the challenges facing society and industry in terms of energy and the climate, to support the ecological transition. IFP School, prepares future generations to take up these challenges.
IFPEN proposes several innovative solutions along the wind energy value chain, which comprise:
– use of lidars to improve resource assessment, including advanced wind field reconstruction for floating wind,
– In-house software solutions to model wake propagation at different scales,
– Expertise in coupled analysis for designing bottom-fixed and floating wind turbines
– Lidar assisted control solutions,
– Control strategies by wake steering,
– Digital monitoring of wind turbines and wind farms to optimize O&M
– Modelling and experimentation on dynamic IAC and mooring cables
– Design of synthetic rope termination
– Wave prediction for real-time control or decision support
IFPEN works with major players of the offshore wind sector to foster the industrial application of its developments. In 2023, IFPEN launched its subsidiary GreenWITS to commercialize digital solutions for optimizing the value of wind projects.
Floating Lidar wind reconstruction solution
• Innovative motion compensation algorithm
• Adaptation of TI estimation proprietary software
• CFD-LES based performance evaluation environment, fitted to buoy characteristics (RAO or IMU time series)
Contact: Fabrice GUILLEMIN fabrice.guillemin@ifpen.fr
Lifetime assessment of mooring and electrical cables
Experimental and numerical study of water trees formation in the insulation of electric cables
Experimental characterization and modelling of friction in synthetic anchor cables including splice
Fatigue multi-scale approach in steel cable under variable tensile and bending stress
Contact: Michael MARTINEZ michael.martinez@ifpen.fr
Wave prediction
Applications in real-time control, decision support, condition monitoring
Wave sensing and analysis based on X-band radars, LiDARs and cameras
Forecasting wave loads and ship motion, seconds to minutes ahead, from real-time measurements
Contact: Alexis MERIGAUD alexis.merigaud@ifpen.fr
1-4 avenue de Bois Préau – 92852 Rueil-Malmaison – France
Tél. : +33 4 37 70 20 00 – +33 4 37 70 25 21