Booth 3-B110-B

#FLIDAR  #DATA  #Offshore  #Metocean  #Environmental  #Innovation

about us :

AKROCEAN operates globally, deploying floating LiDAR buoys across all the world’s oceans. Our dedicated team of experts is passionate about the marine environment, committed to delivering services that meet international standards with flexibility and precision. We thoroughly assess your needs to provide customized solutions along the entire value chain, from permitting, system integration, calibration, and testing to deployment, recovery, and data management. Our services also include 24/7 monitoring, QHSE compliance, operations, and maintenance.
Thanks to our modular buoy systems, we can deploy monitoring solutions anywhere in the world while maximizing local content. Through our robust network of international logistics partners, AKROCEAN ensures efficient local operations supported by their field experts.
Our key assets, the Windsea and Seaobs, are designed to deliver a broad range of turnkey metocean and environmental measurements, providing reliable data for offshore energy and environmental surveillance.


The WINDSEA is a floating lidar buoy featuring Vaisala’s Windcube LiDAR, powered by solar, wave, and wind power for autonomous sea operations. Its 5x3m aluminium float offers a secure deck for maintenance, passive stabilization to reduce pitch and roll, and a variety of sensors for versatile data collection, such as wave, conductivity, temperature, depth, bat and current.

The SEAOBS buoy has a 7.5x4m aluminium float that supports a variety of metocean and environmental sensors for diverse data collection. Powered by solar, wave, and wind energy with methanol backup, it operates autonomously at sea. Equipped with passive stabilization, it can include 2 certified LIDARs or a radar and environmental sensors for monitoring visually and acoustically birds, bats, and marine mammals.

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Christabel FreemanSales Engineer
1 Route de la Croix Moriau, 44350, Guérande, FRANCE

Tél. : +33 (0) 2 40 45 97 74 / +33 (0) 6 77 99 09 49


Sens of Life

Sens of Life
Booth 3-B110-B

#Biodiversity #Wind power #Artificial Intelligence #Curtailment #Birds Detection System and Bats detection system

about us :

Sens Of Life, founded in 2015, is a naturalist consultancy specializing in renewable energy, particularly wind power. The company develops innovative solutions to minimize the impact of wind farms on biodiversity, especially on avifauna and bats.
Their flagship products, such as ProBird® and ProBat®, leverage advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, to detect and dynamically regulate wind turbines in favor of wildlife.
With more than 110 parks and 650 wind turbines equipped with their systems, Sens Of Life is recognized in France and internationally. The company supports its clients at every stage of their projects, from design to operation, by offering naturalist studies, automated monitoring, and regulation solutions.
Sens of Life is also involved in offshore projects, contributing to world firsts in the monitoring of bats in marine environments.


ProBird® is a system for detecting, deterring, and dynamically regulating wind turbines to minimize their impact on avifauna. Cameras on the turbines detect birds (raptors and large soaring species) in real-time using a neural network and trigger appropriate responses based on their trajectory: acoustic warning or regulation


ProBat is an unprecedented dynamic wind turbine regulation system for bat conservation. By combining predictive analysis of bat activity with real-time detection from one or more recorders, ProBat balances bat preservation and energy production with far more targeted stops compared to traditional threshold-based curtailment, which it can replace.

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Benjamin WiartBusiness Engineer
62 Av. de la salamane bâtiment 2, 34800 Clermont-l’Hérault

E-mail : contact@sensoflife.com
Tél. : 09 54 13 65 74 – 07 49 91 27 44

Sens of life


Booth 3-B110-B

#EnergyTransition #MRE #FloatingOffshoreWind #RenewableEnergy #OffshoreTest #EnvironmentalMonitoring

about us :

The largest offshore test centre for floating wind and Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) in Europe:
The OPEN-C Foundation is a non-profit public-interest organisation which contributes to a more rapid energy transition and to enhancing France’s position on these strategic issues.
The OPEN-C Foundation’s mission is to:
> operate the 5 French offshore test sites for floating wind and renewable marine energy: operation and development of offshore sites, hosting and monitoring tests of prototypes and technological innovations, research and innovation around offshore prototypes and equipments
> monitor the environmental impact of MRE’s: monitoring sites and demonstrators to assess their interactions with the environment
> contribute to the development of the sector: sharing knowledge with the scientific community and the public, improving safety procedures, offshore operations and maintenance, developing offshore infrastructures and encouraging investment in research and innovation via sponsorship.
Over the next 3 years, the OPEN-C Foundation will make several major innovations, including the testing of prototypes of new-generation floating wind turbines and support many innovative MRE projects. 

OPEN-C Foundation coordinates the 5 offshore test sites in France to host your prototype. After fundamental & technological research linked to the development of prototypes, offshore testing plays a major role in experimental development. In the next years, we will provide a new “High Power” test site dedicated to the next generation of wind turbines.

The OPEN-C Foundation take advantage of the presence of prototypes connected on its sites to host and support experimental collaborative projects. These innovation and R&D projects concern various themes, sites and issues of MRE, in particular: knowledge of the environment, monitoring and measurement systems, anchoring, dynamic cables…

Your company has an economic and social impact, and you are ready to take up the challenge of the energy transition. To be a player in the deployment of new technologies that meet the environmental challenges, you can become a contributor of the OPEN-C Foundation by making a donation to the Foundation in general or to a specific project.

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Etienne PourcherPartnership and communication director
1 rue de la Noë, 44300 Nantes

E-mail : contact@fondation-open-c.org
Tél. : + 33 (0)6 07 81 01 41

Fondation Open-C



Booth 3-B110-E

#offshore engineering #floating #modular #ports infrastructure #renewable energy #floating offshore wind turbine #industrialisation #assembly line #construction#lifting #load out

about us :

SAFIER: Enablers of ENERGY – Renewables, Fossils, Nuclear, Hydrogen.
Independent, International, Structural Eng., Naval Arch., Moorings, Anchors, Cable, Pipeline, Subsea.
We are a human value, family-owned, 60+ engineers with permanent contract. For over 40 years we are serving our clients with our core values: ethics, morality, technical, transparency, pride in our work. Our engineering team is our company our company is our engineering team.
We engineer and innovate in:
– Renewable offshore wind: fixed and floating, transformer platform
– Port extension / infrastructures
– Renewable offshore solar, wave, current, fixed and floating
– Floating Multi-purpose islands: fish farms, SMR nuclear

ALFOWT®: industrial, safe, economical, based on C2C® a SAFIER’s patent, is a modular floating port extension. Concrete caissons monolithically assembled on the water. It offers a large industrial floating port extension.

FOWT C2C ASSEMBLY: industrial economical based on C2C® a SAFIER’s patent, the latest generation of wind turbine concrete floater is built in modules and safely assembled in the port waters.

Our floating assembly solution allows in parallel fabrication process versus traditional in serial fabrication, saving floater fabrication time and land space.

ALFOWT® modular floating hub using C2C® technology patented by SAFIER can integrate the Bardex OmniLift™, leading to economical floating hub with launching capabilities.

From traditional commercial and military vessels to offshore wind turbines, this is an economical solution for ports and yards worldwide: the WORLD’S ONLY FLOATING LIFT


E.D. SAFIERdirector and owner
SAFIER INGENIERIE SAS, 13 cous de danube, 77700 Serris, FRANCE

E-mail : sisa@safier-ingenieriesa.com
Tél. : +33 (0)


IFP Energies nouvelles

IFP Energies nouvelles

Booth 3-D110-C

#WindAssessing #Design #SpecificTools #CableEngineering #Monitoring #Maintenance

about us :

IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is the French institute for research and training in energy, mobility and the environment. Its teams innovate for a low-carbon and sustainable world, from scientific concepts through to technological solutions. IFPEN focuses its efforts on bringing solutions to the challenges facing society and industry in terms of energy and the climate, to support the ecological transition. IFP School, prepares future generations to take up these challenges.
IFPEN proposes several innovative solutions along the wind energy value chain, which comprise:
–             use of lidars to improve resource assessment, including advanced wind field reconstruction for floating wind,
–             In-house software solutions to model wake propagation at different scales,
–             Expertise in coupled analysis for designing bottom-fixed and floating wind turbines
–             Lidar assisted control solutions,
–             Control strategies by wake steering,
–             Digital monitoring of wind turbines and wind farms to optimize O&M
– Modelling and experimentation on dynamic IAC and mooring cables
– Design of synthetic rope termination
– Wave prediction for real-time control or decision support
IFPEN works with major players of the offshore wind sector to foster the industrial application of its developments. In 2023, IFPEN launched its subsidiary GreenWITS to commercialize digital solutions for optimizing the value of wind projects.

Floating Lidar wind reconstruction solution

•            Innovative motion compensation algorithm

•            Adaptation of TI estimation proprietary software

•            CFD-LES based performance evaluation environment, fitted to buoy characteristics (RAO or IMU time series)

Contact: Fabrice GUILLEMIN            fabrice.guillemin@ifpen.fr

Lifetime assessment of mooring and electrical cables

Experimental and numerical study of water trees formation in the insulation of electric cables

Experimental characterization and modelling of friction in synthetic anchor cables including splice

Fatigue multi-scale approach in steel cable under variable tensile and bending stress

Contact:  Michael MARTINEZ              michael.martinez@ifpen.fr

Wave prediction

Applications in real-time control, decision support, condition monitoring

Wave sensing and analysis based on X-band radars, LiDARs and cameras

Forecasting wave loads and ship motion, seconds to minutes ahead, from real-time measurements

Contact: Alexis MERIGAUD            alexis.merigaud@ifpen.fr


Stéphane BertholinR&I Program Manager
1-4 avenue de Bois Préau – 92852 Rueil-Malmaison – France

Tél. : +33 4 37 70 20 00 – +33 4 37 70 25 21