about us :

HiDef aerial surveying / BioConsult SH
HiDef aerial surveying (UK) and BioConsult SH (Germany) joined forces in 2016 to become the world leader in aerial digital surveys for marine megafauna and birds (with the bespoke HiDef system), and one of the most recognized consultancy in the world on addressing environmental and biodiversity issues of renewable energy.
With a strong experience on marine environment and offshore /onshore wind farms monitoring, HiDef / BioConsult are part of the Biotope alliance since 2022.
Together, Biotope, BioConsult SH and HiDef Aerial Surveying combine a vast experience on onshore and offshore wind globally

Terrestrial expertise (all species and ecosystems) with traditional and innovative methods
Marine expertise (especially birds, marine megafauna, underwater acoustic)
• Digital aerial surveys
• Radar, telemetry and acoustic expertise
• Data analysis, biostatistics and reporting
• Impacts assessments
• Mitigation and offsetting measures

Application of Artificial Intelligence on picture/videos for object detection and species identification
• Innovation and research programs

Digital aerial surveys

Word leading HiDef aerial digital video technology for Offshore Environmental Data acquisition.

15 years of experience, used on more than 10 000 different surveys carried out up to date, over more than 20 countries in 4 continents.

AI based software solutions to analyse footage from drones and planes for objects and identify birds species.

AVES real time bird detection

AVES-Wind On and Offshore are camera-based, AI-supported bird detection systems working on species level. Systems monitor airspaces of windfarms or specific areas (like rotor diameters) using pan, tilt and zoom functionalities for tracking and recognizing individuals or flocks. The systems are managed remotely or in SCADA and can e.g., induce event based short time shut downs of individual turbines.

HiDef aerial surveying / BioConsult SH

Consultancy services include:

– Expert advice and reporting.

– Displacement analysis, collision risk modelling (CRM) and population viability analysis (PVA).

– Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA); · Underwater noise recording and assessment of impacts

– Onshore and offshore ornithological Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

– Statistical analysis, technical reporting, and defence in peer review

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Thilo LiesenjohannPhD / Managing Director
Schobüller Straße 36

E-mail :
Tél. : : +4 94 84 17 79 37 20 – +4 94 84 17 79 37 10

Biotope :

Bioconsul :



Booth 3-C122-C

#consultancy #ecology #environmental impact assessment #bats and birds #radar #innovation

about us :

With 30 years of experience and more than 450 employees, Biotope is one of the European leading ecological consultancies with a strong focus on biodiversity, landscape management and environmental issues.
Biotope provides a broad range of services including consulting, regulatory studies, training and communication. A fully independent consultancy, Biotope services are designed for businesses, communities, government services and NGOs.
With more than 10 subsidiaries based worldwide, Biotope conducts and supports projects and actions on all six continents and all five oceans.
Since 2022, Biotope, BioConsult SH and HiDef Aerial Surveying have joined forces to form the largest alliance of ecological consultancies in Europe.
Together, they provide extensive experience on offshore and onshore ecological and environmental studies, with a strong focus on innovative solutions.

Ecological surveys and innovation

Ecological expertise onshore and offshore, on all biological groups.

Strong experience in analysing biological data and estimating conservation issues.

A R&D department bringing technological innovation & expertise for use both on land and at sea.

Research programs on seabirds, marine mammals, bats.

Addressing wind energy and biodiversity issues

Recognized industry wide know-how in addressing environmental and biodiversity issues of renewable energy.

Vast experience in the completion of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA’s) for Wind Farms in France and other countries.

Complex statistical analysis, modelling. Development of mitigation and monitoring plans.

Bats, birds and wind industry

Biotope provides a large and experience team of bats ans birds experts, and lots of innovative solutions.

Dedicated devices for monitoring and mitigation : Chirotech®, SonoChiro, radars…

A dedicated technical department with strong expertise on bats.

Ability to design dedicated solutions for each wind farm, both onshore and offshore.

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Florian LecorpsHead of MRE Department
22 Bd Maréchal Foch – BP 58– 34140 Mèze, France

E-mail :
Tél. : + 33 (0)4 67 18 46 20 – 00 332 40 05 32 30 – 00 336 78 87 22 94



Booth 3-C122-B

#BirdsDetectionSystem #BatsDetectionSystem #DetterentSystem #BirdsProtection #TurbineStop #Collisionmitigation

about us :

Biodiv-Wind is a French company specialising in the development, the installation and the operation of birds & bats real time detection devices for onshore & offshore wind farms production.
Its know-how and ongoing developments in AI technology and in collision mitigation solutions are recognized in France and abroad.
Since 2015, Biodiv-Wind has equipped nearly 550 wind turbines in 11 countries including France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Brazil, South Africa and carried out wildlife studies in several other countries (Finland, Iceland…).

Its team consists of skilled employees in IT, engineering and ecologists.
Biodiv-Wind systems are universal systems compliant with any type of wind generator turbine. The solutions are flexible and scaled to the customer need. Easy to install, robust and non-intrusive, the equipment is coupled with a protected customer platform to retrieve and download complete reports about the park activity.
Biodiv-Wind creates the loop between AI driven species expertise and wind power. Its aim is to help to accelerate environmental authorization permits, thus maximizing clean energy production at reduced costs and risks, while caring for ecosystem dynamics and avifauna species’ protection.


SafeWind® is an innovative, diurnal and nocturnal video monitoring system which reduces collision risks between flying fauna and wind turbines.

It can be tailored to each wind farm specifications thanks to its modular and scalable design. The parameterized regulation of the wind turbine combined to acoustic deterrence preserve the energy yield & biodiversity.

BirdSentinel ®

BirdSentinel® helps to assess the risk of yield loss and scans the sky to record and detect all aerial movements of wildlife, making it possible to carry out precise and objective studies on the flying fauna activity.

BirdSentinel® can be mounted on any type of support structure and operates in onshore/offshore environment.


Combining Safewind technology with Wildlife Accoustic’s Smart system, AudioBat® applies Artificial Intelligence algorithms to the detection and acoustic identification of chiropterans in the complex environment of wind farms.

Like Safewind®, Audiobat® can send regulation order to the wind turbine as collision risk mitigation.

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Sandrine DuclaSouthern Europe Business Engineer
6 Mail Philippe Lamour, 34760 Boujan-sur-Libron, France

E-mail :
Tél. : 0033 764 445 986



#Maritimedata #Maritimeapis #Metoceananlysis #Offshoreplanning #Underwateracoustics #Weatherdowntime

about us :

Sinay helps maritime corporates to conciliate business efficiency with ocean sustainability.​

We have developed the Sinay Hub, a unique software that gathers and analyzes maritime data with Artificial Intelligence (AI). We can plug any type of IoT sensors, data sources and even deploy data collection network at sea. We provide environmental and logistic predictions to offshore construction and supply chain stakeholders. ​

Our software and APIs monitor:
– metocean data to plan and manage the offshore operation,
– environmental data such as Air, Water and Underwater noise to pevent pollution events and predict the impact on biodiversity
– Logistic related data to track containers and vessels, to estimate CO2 emissions, or to predict ETA and port congestion.

Using our solutions, maritime companies drastically reduce their time and cost for searching the right information and increase their operation efficiency as well as reducing their impact on ocean biodiversity.​

We love Ocean, Data and Business. We connect them.

Metocean Analytics by Sinay

Metocean Analytics by Sinay gathers and monitors metocean data for each phase of your offshore project.

The tool allows the estimation of offshore operations’ weather downtime to optimize operational planning. It fits perfectly with the efficiency and productivity required by each phase of offshore projects.

Underwater Acoustics

A full package for real-time underwater acoustics monitoring

Sinay tackles the noise issues and provides a large set of professional services for real-time underwater acoustics monitoring with specific equipment resources (hydrophones, deterrent devices, buoys…) and a team of experts in marine mammals and underwater acoustics (PAM certification).

Sinay Maritime APIs Directory

A Hub of APIs for Ocean Freight to Enhance Efficiency and Sustainability
Whether the solution is targeted at freight forwarders, shipping lines or port-side operations, Sinay APIs can help deliver more value to the clients by resolving key market pain-points and enhance decision-making.  

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Thierry DUCELLIERHead of Sales
14 rue Alfred Kastler, 14000, Caen, France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 2 50 01 15 50 – +33 7 64 50 15 51