
Booth 3-C122-C

#consultancy #ecology #environmental impact assessment #bats and birds #radar #innovation

about us :

With 30 years of experience and more than 450 employees, Biotope is one of the European leading ecological consultancies with a strong focus on biodiversity, landscape management and environmental issues.
Biotope provides a broad range of services including consulting, regulatory studies, training and communication. A fully independent consultancy, Biotope services are designed for businesses, communities, government services and NGOs.
With more than 10 subsidiaries based worldwide, Biotope conducts and supports projects and actions on all six continents and all five oceans.
Since 2022, Biotope, BioConsult SH and HiDef Aerial Surveying have joined forces to form the largest alliance of ecological consultancies in Europe.
Together, they provide extensive experience on offshore and onshore ecological and environmental studies, with a strong focus on innovative solutions.

Ecological surveys and innovation

Ecological expertise onshore and offshore, on all biological groups.

Strong experience in analysing biological data and estimating conservation issues.

A R&D department bringing technological innovation & expertise for use both on land and at sea.

Research programs on seabirds, marine mammals, bats.

Addressing wind energy and biodiversity issues

Recognized industry wide know-how in addressing environmental and biodiversity issues of renewable energy.

Vast experience in the completion of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA’s) for Wind Farms in France and other countries.

Complex statistical analysis, modelling. Development of mitigation and monitoring plans.

Bats, birds and wind industry

Biotope provides a large and experience team of bats ans birds experts, and lots of innovative solutions.

Dedicated devices for monitoring and mitigation : Chirotech®, SonoChiro, radars…

A dedicated technical department with strong expertise on bats.

Ability to design dedicated solutions for each wind farm, both onshore and offshore.

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Florian LecorpsHead of MRE Department
22 Bd Maréchal Foch – BP 58– 34140 Mèze, France

E-mail :
Tél. : + 33 (0)4 67 18 46 20 – 00 332 40 05 32 30 – 00 336 78 87 22 94