Booth 3-B110-B

#Obstruction lighting #FAA #ICAO #Medium intensity lamp #obstacle light #lighting

about us :

Originated in 1902, OBSTA is a French leader and specialist in obstruction lighting.
We offer a full solution packages for windturbines, transmission lines, high rise buildings, telecom towers and chimneys, airports.
• All products designed and manufactured by us in France
• All products certified under International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and USA FAA
• Unique patented technologies allying aluminium and hard glass (no plastic)
• In-house laboratories with photometric benches
• Low, medium and high intensity lights.

OFC Medium Intensity Red series

The best solution considering all criteria: economical, approved and used in all GCC markets, 5KG weight, 20cm by side, integrated brackets, 100% aluminum and hard glass, integrated GPS, photocell, and surge protector.

OFI dual color medium intensity series
NVG compatible (Infrared night vision googles) comply with ICAO medium intensity dual color Type A and B. 6 led projectors in aluminium and glass


This IOT gateway is designed to monitor and control aviation warning lights remotely on a

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Booth 3-B110-B

#wind #offshore #onshore #renewableenergy #windindustry #energytransition #frenchtouch

about us :

France Renouvelables is the trade association that represents, consolidates and promotes, through a systemic approach, the development of industrial electric renewable energies and associated storage and flexibility solutions, enabling our electricity system to evolve towards decarbonisation, sustainability and competitiveness.

Being a member of France Renouvelables means :

– Participating in the energy transition by deploying electric renewable energies

– Having the right information at the right time through our 12 thematic commissions

– Participate in B2B events with our network of members


Sylvain RousselHead of development & partnership
5 avenue de la république 75011 Paris

E-mail : contact@france-renouvelables.fr
Tél. : 06 63 90 77 52

France Renouvelables


Booth 3-B110-B

#EnergyTransition #MRE #FloatingOffshoreWind #RenewableEnergy #OffshoreTest #EnvironmentalMonitoring

about us :

The largest offshore test centre for floating wind and Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) in Europe:
The OPEN-C Foundation is a non-profit public-interest organisation which contributes to a more rapid energy transition and to enhancing France’s position on these strategic issues.
The OPEN-C Foundation’s mission is to:
> operate the 5 French offshore test sites for floating wind and renewable marine energy: operation and development of offshore sites, hosting and monitoring tests of prototypes and technological innovations, research and innovation around offshore prototypes and equipments
> monitor the environmental impact of MRE’s: monitoring sites and demonstrators to assess their interactions with the environment
> contribute to the development of the sector: sharing knowledge with the scientific community and the public, improving safety procedures, offshore operations and maintenance, developing offshore infrastructures and encouraging investment in research and innovation via sponsorship.
Over the next 3 years, the OPEN-C Foundation will make several major innovations, including the testing of prototypes of new-generation floating wind turbines and support many innovative MRE projects. 

OPEN-C Foundation coordinates the 5 offshore test sites in France to host your prototype. After fundamental & technological research linked to the development of prototypes, offshore testing plays a major role in experimental development. In the next years, we will provide a new “High Power” test site dedicated to the next generation of wind turbines.

The OPEN-C Foundation take advantage of the presence of prototypes connected on its sites to host and support experimental collaborative projects. These innovation and R&D projects concern various themes, sites and issues of MRE, in particular: knowledge of the environment, monitoring and measurement systems, anchoring, dynamic cables…

Your company has an economic and social impact, and you are ready to take up the challenge of the energy transition. To be a player in the deployment of new technologies that meet the environmental challenges, you can become a contributor of the OPEN-C Foundation by making a donation to the Foundation in general or to a specific project.

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Etienne PourcherPartnership and communication director
1 rue de la Noë, 44300 Nantes

E-mail : contact@fondation-open-c.org
Tél. : + 33 (0)6 07 81 01 41

Fondation Open-C

FEBUS Optics

FEBUS Optics
Booth 3-B110-B

#CableMonitoring #DistributedFiberOpticSensing #PartialDischargeDetection #RealTimeThermalRating #EnvironmentalMonitoring #DynamicCableMonitoring

about us :

FEBUS Optics is the world reference in DFOS, distributed fiber optic sensing systems (DAS, DTS and DSS), to reduce the environmental impact of human activity, protect people, and optimize production.

FEBUS provides state-of-the-art devices and turnkey solutions based on its patented technologies, developed by its R&D department. Backed by its expertise, its highly qualified and experienced team, and its dedicated Test Center, FEBUS Optics combines excellence and reliability to meet the most complex challenges across various application fields.

Internationally established, FEBUS offers customized equipment and a wide range of worldwide on-site services, such as cable monitoring, pipeline monitoring, monitoring of geothermal, CO2 or oil and gas wells, structural health monitoring, seismic acquisition, natural hazard monitoring, intrusion detection.

FOGrid is the Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing solution from FEBUS Optics for cable monitoring: real-time detection and precise localization of thermal events (hot spots RTTR), electrical events (partial discharges), and mechanical events (fatigue, free spans) during deployment of the cable and its operation.

The FEBUS A1 is a DAS device (Distributed Acoustic Sensing) to perform vibration measurement. Offering a state-of-the-art sensitivity, it provides the longest range of the market. The FEBUS A1 is available with a single channel and with the Dual-channel option.

The FEBUS G1-C is a DTSS device (Distributed Temperature and Strain Sensing) to perform temperature and strain measurement. As a portable unit, it is equipped with wheels to be easily moved on the field and is optimized for harsh environments.



E-mail : desiree.arrizabalaga@febus-optics.com
Tél. : +335 64 27 07 43

Febus Optics


Booth 3-B110-B

#NaturePositive #RepopulatingtheSea #NID #NatureRestoration #Natureinclusivedesign #FOW

about us :

Faced with the growing impact of human activities on coastal areas, particularly on the habitats of young fish, urgent action is required. These juvenile fish, which are essential elements of coastal marine ecosystems, often struggle to find preserved natural habitats due to the degradation caused by artificial development.
It was against this backdrop that Ecocean was founded in 2003, a French company based in Montpellier and dedicated to ecological engineering, first for marine ecosystems and then more generally for aquatic ecosystems. Since its inception, Ecocean has positioned itself as a leader in this field, offering innovative, simple but above all effective and scientifically validated solutions to improve the living conditions of aquatic organisms, particularly young fish, during the early stages of their life cycle.
One of the flagship solutions developed by Ecocean is the Biohut®: an artificial nursery designed to provide both shelter and food for young aquatic animals. Composed of a steel cage filled with oyster shells (natural substrate) acting as a complex support for the development of a diversified food source (trophic chain) and an empty cage offering protection against predators, they reproduce the essential criteria of a natural nursery. Ecocean has designed 7 types of Biohut® to be installed in different locations, depending on the existing artificial structures. 

Biohut, Nature-Positive nurseries for Floating Offshore Wind:

The Biohuts are nurseries that can be seamlessly added to Floating structures.

This habitat provides food and shelter to Early Life History Stage (ELHS) of fish, mollusc, and crustaceans, significantly increasing their survival rate and making FOW structures Nature-positive.

Scientifically proven through extensive monitoring over several years.

Biohut, Nature-Positive nurseries for Ports

The Biohuts have been installed in more than 80 Ports and Marinas, in 16 different countries. They are installed on existing Infrastructure such as pontoons, dikes and quays, thus allowing Ports to become an active Nature Restoration actor.

500+ different species of fish have been observed in the Biohuts.

Scientifically proven through extensive monitoring.

Fish Hotels for Substations:

When various species of small fish populate marine ecosystems like fish hotels, other marine species follow due to increased food availability. To provide shelter and safe foraging for small fish, the Biohuts were attached to the platform legs of a jacket. The first TenneT’s installation happened in 2021 in the Hollandse Kust Noord platform.

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Gilles LecaillonCEO
1342 Avenue de Toulouse, 34070 Montpellier

E-mail : contact@ecocean.fr
Tél. : +33 4 67 67 02 84 – +33 6 17 98 58 78
