Booth 3-B110-E

#offshore engineering #floating #modular #ports infrastructure #renewable energy #floating offshore wind turbine #industrialisation #assembly line #construction#lifting #load out

about us :

SAFIER: Enablers of ENERGY – Renewables, Fossils, Nuclear, Hydrogen.
Independent, International, Structural Eng., Naval Arch., Moorings, Anchors, Cable, Pipeline, Subsea.
We are a human value, family-owned, 60+ engineers with permanent contract. For over 40 years we are serving our clients with our core values: ethics, morality, technical, transparency, pride in our work. Our engineering team is our company our company is our engineering team.
We engineer and innovate in:
– Renewable offshore wind: fixed and floating, transformer platform
– Port extension / infrastructures
– Renewable offshore solar, wave, current, fixed and floating
– Floating Multi-purpose islands: fish farms, SMR nuclear

ALFOWT®: industrial, safe, economical, based on C2C® a SAFIER’s patent, is a modular floating port extension. Concrete caissons monolithically assembled on the water. It offers a large industrial floating port extension.

FOWT C2C ASSEMBLY: industrial economical based on C2C® a SAFIER’s patent, the latest generation of wind turbine concrete floater is built in modules and safely assembled in the port waters.

Our floating assembly solution allows in parallel fabrication process versus traditional in serial fabrication, saving floater fabrication time and land space.

ALFOWT® modular floating hub using C2C® technology patented by SAFIER can integrate the Bardex OmniLift™, leading to economical floating hub with launching capabilities.

From traditional commercial and military vessels to offshore wind turbines, this is an economical solution for ports and yards worldwide: the WORLD’S ONLY FLOATING LIFT


E.D. SAFIERdirector and owner
SAFIER INGENIERIE SAS, 13 cous de danube, 77700 Serris, FRANCE

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)



Booth 3-B110-A

#renewable #business #cluster #supplychain #france #neopolia

about us :

Neopolia brings together nearly 240 industrial companies representing 30,000 jobs. More than 125 different professions are present in the network. 
The Offshore wind Cluster brings together 100 companies that combine their skills, know-how and offer tailor-made solutions to market needs. Neopolia is organized and prepared to respond to the demands of the sector’s leaders.

Offshore wind turbine

-Offshore support vessels

-Offshore support vessels
-Maritime services
-H2 crew transfer vessel study


Marine MANCEAUOffshore wind project manager
4 esplanade Anna Marly 44600 Saint-Nazaire

E-mail : 
Tél. : +33 (0)2 40 17 21 52 – +33 (0)6 36 19 48 21



Booth 3-B110-B

#O&M #supervision #engineering #offshore #comissioning #audit

about us :

Founded in 2011, VALEMO (subsidiary of VALOREM) is specialized in operation, maintenance and supervision of renewable energy farms. VALEMO offers operation (performance monitoring), supervision (365/24/7 monitoring of assets), maintenance and engineering services and has set up a Marine Coordination service for the supervision of maritime activities during the construction and operation phases of offshore wind farms. With 130 employees, VALEMO currently monitors 66 renewable energy parks, representing approximately 1GW, in France and internationally.

Operation of HV substations

With more than 10 years of experience in the control, operation and maintenance of high voltage (HTA) substations, VALEMO has launched in 2021 its activity of supervision and operation of very high voltage (HTB) substations.

In this respect, VALEMO’s remote control center is equipped with secure communication infrastructures with RTE (SAS/STS) and its organisation is strengthened with operators on shift on a 24/7/365 basis (5×8 operation).

Offshore wind O&M services

Since 2016, VALEMO has developed a business unit dedicated to O&M services for offshore wind.

Our team of 20+ technicians are fully GWO trained and qualified to perform offshore operations on WTGs and OSS. The operational team is supported by a highly experienced team of staff, project managers, HSE advisor and engineering experts.

Our team has been mobilized in 2022 to perform quality inspections, commissioning, preventive/corrective maintenance and troubleshooting on the 480MW offshore wind farm of Saint-Nazaire (1st French offshore wind farm).


Since 2016, VALEMO has developed a state-of-the-art solution to optimise the performance of wind turbines using a LIDAR system.

Placed on the wind turbine nacelle, the LIDAR is an optical radar that allows wind measurement campaigns, undisturbed by the rotation of the blades.

With this measurement, it is possible to control the alignment of the nacelles and substantially optimize energy production.

To carry out its campaigns, VALEMO has joined forces with the recognised skills of the French company EPSILINE, which markets the YawAdvisor LiDAR. 

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Lydiane Rasse-MagnéCommunication manager
213 Cours Victor Hugo – 33323 BEGLES CEDEX

E-mail :
Tél. : 05 47 50 13 04 – +33 (0)6 34 08 11 37


France Offshore Renewables

France Offshore Renewables

Booth 3-B110-A

#FloatingWind #OffshoreWind #FrenchCluster #FrenchSupplyChain #FrenchPartners

about us :

The 6 French clusters and business groups specializing in offshore wind energy have joined forces under the France Offshore Renewables banner to facilitate access to French companies for international decision-makers.
The alliance of Brittany (Bretagne Ocean Power), Pays de la Loire (Neopolia), Normandy (Normandie Maritime), New Aquitaine (Aquitaine Blue Energies), Occitania (Wind’Occ) and the Southern Region (Sudeole) brings together more than 500 French companies, most of which already have strong national and international references.

Thanks to the first feedbacks from the French parks, they are still improving their skills. Positioned across the entire value chain, they can meet the industrial challenges of developers, supported in particular by port infrastructures dedicated to offshore projects in each of these regions.  

40GW of offshore wind power are planned in France by 2050. It’s time to invest!

French skills are recognized thanks to their national & international references in the field of offshore renewables.
Call on local skills!

Use our directories :

Port infrastructures dedicated to offshore projects are waiting for you in each region.
Use them to meet your industrial challenges !



Formulaire de Contact général : Form (

E-mail de contact pour chaque entreprise :

– Bretagne Ocean Power :
– Neopolia :
– Normandie Maritime :
Aquitaine Blue Energies :
– SudEole :
– Wind’Occ :



Booth 3-D110-C

#optimization #layout #performance #digital #LTE #control

about us :

GreenWITS was funded in June 2023, leveraging IFPEN’s knowledge and expertise in offshore wind, garnered over a decade of research and innovation. Our mission is to offer advanced simulation and high-tech digital services to wind farm developers and operators, equipment suppliers (e.g. foundations). By combining advanced simulation and data analysis in its digital offerings, we aim to make the most of data modeling and analysis techniques like machine learning to increase the value of wind farm projects and assets throughout their lifetime. Based on more than 12 years of IFPEN R&D under exclusive license, a continuous co-developing partnership, and an experienced team, we propose offers of the highest technological level. Presently 5 : Optimized wind farm design, Turbine and foundation engineering, Performance and SHM Digital monitoring of wind farm assets, Wind farm control,  which globally cover the needs of a project from the Design phase to O&M, up to LTE.

WIND FARM DESIGN : OptiWITS is a holistic and unique software solution designed to identify technically and economically optimized wind farm layouts. With our advanced optimization algorithms and physics-based modeling tools, we help you maximize performance while considering all specific project constraints.

PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS : GreenWITS provides advanced analytics by extracting all info from SCADA data. Analytics include wind farm digital twin and high-end tools. Experts can perform a deep dive into the data to quantify improvements and provide actionable results that can be used along project life and in specific context (EOW, upgrade, due dil.).

STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING – LIFETIME EXTENSION : Gain valuable insights into the structural health of your assets with our digital monitoring. By combining data science and physics-based models, we derive KPIs to monitor the health of your assets, detect abnormal behaviour and determine their remaining life with limited or no additional sensors.


Yann LepoutreSales and Business Development Director
 GreenWITS Rond-Point de l’échangeur, 69360 SOLAIZE

E-mail :
Tél. :  +33 6 08 07 95 01


IFP Energies nouvelles

IFP Energies nouvelles

Booth 3-D110-C

#WindAssessing #Design #SpecificTools #CableEngineering #Monitoring #Maintenance

about us :

IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is the French institute for research and training in energy, mobility and the environment. Its teams innovate for a low-carbon and sustainable world, from scientific concepts through to technological solutions. IFPEN focuses its efforts on bringing solutions to the challenges facing society and industry in terms of energy and the climate, to support the ecological transition. IFP School, prepares future generations to take up these challenges.
IFPEN proposes several innovative solutions along the wind energy value chain, which comprise:
–             use of lidars to improve resource assessment, including advanced wind field reconstruction for floating wind,
–             In-house software solutions to model wake propagation at different scales,
–             Expertise in coupled analysis for designing bottom-fixed and floating wind turbines
–             Lidar assisted control solutions,
–             Control strategies by wake steering,
–             Digital monitoring of wind turbines and wind farms to optimize O&M
– Modelling and experimentation on dynamic IAC and mooring cables
– Design of synthetic rope termination
– Wave prediction for real-time control or decision support
IFPEN works with major players of the offshore wind sector to foster the industrial application of its developments. In 2023, IFPEN launched its subsidiary GreenWITS to commercialize digital solutions for optimizing the value of wind projects.

Floating Lidar wind reconstruction solution

•            Innovative motion compensation algorithm

•            Adaptation of TI estimation proprietary software

•            CFD-LES based performance evaluation environment, fitted to buoy characteristics (RAO or IMU time series)

Contact: Fabrice GUILLEMIN  

Lifetime assessment of mooring and electrical cables

Experimental and numerical study of water trees formation in the insulation of electric cables

Experimental characterization and modelling of friction in synthetic anchor cables including splice

Fatigue multi-scale approach in steel cable under variable tensile and bending stress

Contact:  Michael MARTINEZ    

Wave prediction

Applications in real-time control, decision support, condition monitoring

Wave sensing and analysis based on X-band radars, LiDARs and cameras

Forecasting wave loads and ship motion, seconds to minutes ahead, from real-time measurements

Contact: Alexis MERIGAUD  


Stéphane BertholinR&I Program Manager
1-4 avenue de Bois Préau – 92852 Rueil-Malmaison – France

Tél. : +33 4 37 70 20 00 – +33 4 37 70 25 21




Booth 3-C122-C

#offshorerenewableenergy #oceanenergy #floatingwind #businessnetwork #event #communication

about us :

Bluesign, an agency committed to the Energy Transition, leverages its expertise in professional network facilitation, communication, and event organization to support the development of the Offshore renewable energy sector and its stakeholders. Created to assist this strategic industry, Bluesign fosters synergies and accelerates the structuring of the sector in France and internationally.

Since 2016, Bluesign has been organizing Seanergy, France’s international forum on Offshore Renewable Energy. This flagship event brings together 4,000 participants and 200 exhibitors annually, including 30% international representatives, to support, connect, and strengthen the industry. The next edition will take place in Paris on June 17 and 18, 2025.

Employment and skills development are also central to Bluesign’s priorities. In 2017, the agency launched Workinblue, a platform dedicated to promoting careers, recruitment, and training in the marine energy sector. Initially designed to enhance the sector’s attractiveness and streamline recruitment efforts, Workinblue has evolved into a dynamic tool driving concrete actions to structure skills and attract new talent.

Throughout the year, Bluesign also works alongside stakeholders, supporting their communication strategies and event organization projects.
Through its tools and initiatives, Bluesign contributes daily to building a sustainable future by mobilizing all key players in the energy transition

Seanergy 2025

Seanergy is France’s international event on offshore renewable energy, bringing together the global offshore renewable energy community to promote all technologies and accelerate industry growth.

Seanergy 2025 will take place on June 17-18 at Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles in Paris.


Workinblue is an initiative dedicated to supporting employment and skills development in the offshore renewable energy sector. Through a range of practical and innovative actions, it addresses challenges such as recruitment, training, and employer branding, helping stakeholders attract talent and strengthen workforce capabilities to meet the industry’s evolving needs.

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Sabrina Pedrosa PeseuxCEO
Emergence coworking – 24, rue du Gouverneur général Eboué  – 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux – France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)1 85 09 68 53



Booth 3-B110-B

#RenewableEnergy #WindPower #Offshore #LocalImpact #MultiEnergyExpertise #CommunityEngagement

about us :

Since 1994, VALOREM, an independent French operator in green energy has been working to meet the challenge of a sustainable energy future by involving local populations and communities. VALOREM has adopted a multi-energy approach adapted to the specificities of each territory. A pioneer in onshore wind power, the group also has expertise in solar and hydroelectric power, marine renewable energy, offshore wind and hydrogen.
VALOREM is active in France, Finland, Greece, Poland and Sweden.

The 16MW wind farm located in Sainte Rose, North of Basse Terre in Guadeloupe is the first multimegawatt wind farm built in French West Indie, a tropical storm area. Managed by an IA EMS, the wind farm includes 4MW Storage in order to be able to pitch during storms. The park increate the wind power capacity of the island by 53%.

With its 313,5 MW, VIIATTI is the most important wind project in VALOREM’s history. Located the region Ostrobothnia in Finland, the 27 turbine wind farms will produce 1TWh per year which represents around 1.2% of the Finnish annual electricity consumption.

The Andilly-les-Marais wind farm by VALOREM showcases innovative shared governance. Local stakeholders, including citizens and municipalities, hold a majority in decision-making, ensuring collective ownership. Its unique model earned the “Énergie Partagée” label, highlighting it as a pioneer in citizen-led renewable energy projects in France.

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Lydiane Rasse-MagnéCommunication
213 cours Victor Hugo, 33323 BEGLES CEDEX

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 6 34 08 11 37 – +33 (0)5 56 49 62 65


Booth 3-D110-E

#wind_energy #data_analytics #performance_improvment #yaw_misalignment #rotor_imbalance #turbulence_intensity

about us :

Epsiline provides IoT and data analytics for optimisation through measurement of Yaw misalignment, Turbulence intensity and Rotor Imbalance, inter alia. These independent measures provide wind turbine productivity improvement, enhanced monitoring and asset life preservation.
The WindEagle is now present on all major continents, including China, Japan, India, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Africa and throughout Europe, serving owners and operators with independent and high precision information.
Epsiline’s unique approach is done with the WindEagle including a high precision Laser and others sensors: accelerometer, magnetometer, GPS and a meteorological station.
The Laser is focused on measuring the wind directly in front of the blades where the wind matters (LiDAR Doppler technology). Epsiline’s core innovation lies with this compact and affordable LiDAR technology that makes precision accessible for all wind turbines. The WindEagle technology provides an average of 2%+ AEP improvement which leads to a payback time around 6 months. After working with us on several windfarm during one year, a customer can typically improve the revenues of its assessed portfolio of 1 m€+/year.
The WindEagle is an easily installed IoT on the wind turbine nacelle roof (4 installations/day) where live cloud data and analytics provide graphics, intelligible information, and email alerts.

WindEagle / Yaw Misalignment

Epsiline’s first focus is to minimize Yaw misalignment as it provides immediate returns when corrected. More than 66% of all wind turbines have substantial Yaw. A 8° Yaw misalignment for a wind turbine corresponds to 3% AEP loss. Within a few days we can identify the importance of static Yaw, correct the offset and then validate the Yaw correction.

WindEagle / Rotor Imbalance and Tower Frequency

Epsiline’s WindEagle is equipped with an accelerometer to measure vibrations, allowing for analysis to detect Rotor Imbalance, both aerodynamic and mass.  Correction of rotor imbalance can account for 1% increase in AEP. Measures of tower frequency provide analysis of foundations.

WindEagle / Turbulence Intensity

The WindEagle provides precise analytics on Turbulence Intensity on your wind turbine, allowing the implementation of various strategies to mitigate impact and improve productivity, including wake steering control strategy.

Other applications include: True North correction, Icing Conditions and Comparative Power curves for performance analysis.

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Murray DAWSONEU and UK Sales
+33 7 49 34 23 98 – +33 5 32 10 83 56

+34 621 081 677 – +33 5 32 10 83 53

118 route d’Espagne, 31100, Toulouse, France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 5 32 10 83 50
