Booth : Hall B2.EG – 210.2
#floating #offshore #RégionOccitanie #Windocc
about us :
The Occitanie / Pyrenees-Mediterranean Region, located in the south of France, aims to become the first Region of Positive Energy. One of the objectives is 800MW of floating offshore wind to be installed by 2030. The Region has invested in dedicated port infrastructures in Port-La Nouvelle to welcome the construction of floating offshore wind turbines and industrial facilities to create the future logistics hub of the FOWT sector in Occitanie. Offshore Wind in Occitanie is also a regional brand, called Wind’Occ, which aims to bring together players in the offshore wind sector and promote their skills. 200 local companies have the potential to develop skills for the offshore wind market. AD’OCC, the regional agency for economic development, is supporting these companies at each stage of their development: creation, set up, innovation, growth, and export.

Wind’Occ: Occitanie for offshore wind power
Wind’occ is a collective initiative for the floating offshore wind industry. Wind’Occ affiliates are companies located in Occitanie region positioned or wishing to position themselves on offshore wind power.
Discover the directory of Wind’Occ members on the website: https://www.agence-adocc.com/windocc-eolien/

France Offshore Renewables
Floating Offshore Renewables is the French inter-cluster alliance for offshore wind and your gateway to the French offshore supply chain and to offer you easier access to find French partners
The inter-cluster alliance is composed of 6 regional clusters: Normandie Maritime, Bretagne Ocean Power, Neopolia, Aquitaine Blue Energies, Wind’Occ and Sudeole


3840 Avenue Georges Frêche, 34470 Pérols, France
E-mail : laurie.lanovaz@agence-adocc.com
Tel : +33 4 99 64 29 29