NOTUS energy

NOTUS energy

Booth : Hall B2.EG – 210.6

#wind #solar #renewableenergy #energytransition #Greenenergy #agrivolatism

about us :

The future will be shaped by the wind and the sun. NOTUS energy builds renewable energy plants worldwide and is an independent climate-friendly power producer. We execute large-scale international projects as a general contractor, we take over your technical and commercial management as an asset manager, we are a technology company and develop AI solutions for renewable energies.
NOTUS energy. Power on your side.

NOTUS energy in Numbers

– 4.125 MW of wind power installed and under development

– 1.348 MWp of solar power in development

415 employees work for NOTUS energy at the company’s headquarters in our offices around the world. Our experts combine a passion for new challenges with years of experience. They include NOTUS engineers, geographers, environmental scientists, ornithologists, finance experts and in-house lawyers. For safety and efficiency in our projects.

Promoters of renewable energy projects need flexible solutions. That’s exactly what we provide. We can turn every project into a win-win situation – for our business partners and for local people.

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Beate Lieser / Esther LecarpentierMarketing
NOTUS énergie France services – 92 rue de Rennes – 75005 Paris

Tél. : ++142 22 03 03
Beate Lieser : +33 7 87 01 95 89
Esther Lecarpentier : +33 6 77 13 60 27