Booth 3-C110-B
#offshore #wind #energy #research #development #innovation
about us :
France Energies Marines is a centre of pooled expertise in offshore renewable energy that has gained recognition for its valuable achievements since 2012 for the European industrial sector. To accomplish this, it draws upon its in-house talents (85 employees), its network of industrial and academic experts and at sea infrastructures (English Channel, Atlantic Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea). Its mission is to define, set up and apply the scientific and technical environment required to overcome technological viability barriers, while satisfying environmental integration criteria.
France Energies Marines stands out for its cross-disciplinary approach, which provides the entire sector with the innovative and validated tools needed to reduce the cost of producing energy and financing operational projects. The Institute develops differentiating and holistic approaches to reduce the time needed to build offshore farms. The Institute is built around a public-private partnership, bringing together 27 members who are key players in the energy sector in France and abroad.
Research and innovation are firmly rooted at the heart of the Institute’s work, which is organised into five focus areas:
– Setting up, coordinating and operating investment programme, and contributing to national or European R&D projects along with key players of the industry
– Delivery of research and expertise services,
– Running of the national resource centre RESCORE,
– Creation of a national offshore observation network,
– Participation in expert panels and networks.

Digital twins for FOWT to bring down OPEX by 15%
– Preliminary studies: sensor strategy, work organisation adaptation with AI models
– Design: mooring optimisation, software architecture, digital twin update with field data
– O&M: subsea component monitoring
– Decommissioning: methodology for lifetime extension

Site characterisation to cover the full development process
– Analyses of metocean databases and set-up of numerical models
– In-situ measurements
– Metocean design basis and design load cases derivation
– Assessment of specific events and effects of nonlinear or breaking waves
– Accessibility studies
– Prediction of farm impacts on the socio-ecosystem

First French offshore research platform dedicated to offshore wind energy backed by a met mast located in the Fécamp wind farm
– Testing and proof of concept of sensors and systems
– Licensing of physical and biological data
– Monitoring biofouling and testing new materials
– Monitoring corrosion in air, in the wave action zone and/or in seawater

France Energies Marines – Bâtiment Cap Océan – 525 avenue Alexis de Rochon – 29280 Plouzané – France
E-mail : contact@france-energies-marines.org
Tél. : +33 0(2) 98 49 98 69 – +33 (0)6 63 84 39 17