Booth : Hall B2.EG – 220.4
#Flexible #Copper #Wire #Braid #Shunt #Busbar
about us :
Our company International Wire Europe brings together the Engineered Product branch of the International Wire Group. Since many years, we have been designing and producing flexible electrical connections based on braid or strip. Our industrial tool consists of 5 factories attached to the 3 entities :
Italtrecce (Italy): was formed in 1955 and located in Vinovo and Alessandria near Turin, it specializes in braiding, power connections and ground braids. It was the first company to join the International Wire Group in Europe.
Tresse Métallique J.Forissier (France): was formed in 1958 and located in Saint-Chamond near Lyon, it has developed a unique know-how in the design and manufacturing of flexible electrical connections based on copper braid or copper strip. Its efficient industrial tool makes it possible to respond to small, medium and large series production. Our technical team can respond to the most demanding requests.
International Wire Polska (Poland): incorporated in 2011 located in Dąbrowa Górnicza, near Katowice, it manufactures and distributes for our customers in Central and Eastern Europe the range of wire mesh, standard articles (braids, earthing braids) and jointing kit accessories.
Our industrial organization, R&D, quality and supply chain ensures a complete service from design to delivery on the 5 continents.

Our flexible copper braids can be flattened or not, in bare, tinned, nickel-plated or silver-plated copper, extrusion-insulated or not. Our flexible braided copper connections help you save space, time and safety in your installation, thanks to their flexibility, ability to absorb movement, ease of shaping, higher power density than cables, and reduced weight.

Our insulated flexible busbars are used to connect distribution equipment to power supply, transformer and electrical cabinet to busways. These connections help you save space, weight, money and time in your installation, while increasing reliability and safety. We offer several types of insulation to meet the safety requirement of your electrical installations.

Our press-welded shunts are made up of an assembly of strips welded together by atomic diffusion at the ends, to give a flexible part in the middle and rigid contact zones at the ends. These products are flexible and compact electrical connection solutions. They are smaller and more flexible, transmit high AC currents, withstand high short-circuit currents, resist vibration and ensure thermal dilatation.


Rue Ardaillon 42400 Saint-Chamond
E-mail : info@internationalwire.fr
Tél. : +33 4 77 31 06 70 / +33 4 77 31 46 42 / +33 6 20 21 71 83