Booth : Hall B2.EG – 220.6

#Sodar #Wind Profiler #Wind

about us :

REMTECH is a company with offices in France and the U.S.A. which manufactures and maintains the REMTECH DOPPLER SODAR(s) and the RASS (Radio Acoustic Sounding System).
Our DOPPLER SODAR systems measure remotely a vertical profile of wind speed, direction, thermal stratification and turbulence parameters (sigma W, sigma Theta) up to 400, 700, and 3,000 meters average altitude range depending on Sodar model.
They are ideally suited for wind energy site assessment, airport safety (wind shear detection), for air pollution control and forecast, site surveys (power plants).
Military organizations are using the SODAR in programs for weapons development, parachuting, landing on aircraft carriers as well as flight tests in general.
Our RASS remotely measures temperature profiles in the atmosphere. It can be used in environmental studies and study of telecommunication network disturbances due to atmospheric conditions. It comes as an option to our long range SODAR and can provide measurements up to 1,500 meters above ground.
REMTECH has sold more than 700 SODAR’s and 50 RASS systems in almost 65 countries.


The antenna is made of 64 piezo-electric transducers, operating at 5.50 KHz (central frequency). Active antenna size is 24 cm x 24 cm.

The minimum measurement height is 10 meters.

The average range is 400 meters.

The additional acoustic enclosure (especially useful for high surface winds applications) is included.


The antenna is made of 64 piezo-electric transducers, operating at 3.60 KHz (central frequency). Active antenna size is 40 cm x 40 cm.

The minimum measurement height is 15 meters.

The average range is 700 meters.

The additional acoustic enclosure (especially useful for high surface winds applications) is included.


This is a high power PA0. Unlike the PA0, the transducers are compression drivers (in place of piezo-electric transducers) operated at 1.0 KHz and the antenna dimensions are increased accordingly. Active antenna size is 170 cm x 170 cm.

The minimum measurement height is 100 meters.

The average range is 3,000 meters.


Jean-Michel FAGEPresident
 2 et 4 avenue de l’Europe, 78140 Vélizy Villacoublay, France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)1 39 46 59 58

SuperGrid Institute

SuperGrid Institute

Booth : Hall B2.EG – 210.9

#HVDC #MVDC #smarthub #powerequipment #powergrids #powercables

about us :

SuperGrid Institute is an Independent Innovation Company based in France. It aims to accelerate the energy transition leveraging the benefits of Direct Current power systems. The massive integration of renewable energy is a great challenge and Offshore Windfarms are key in delivering a substantial part of the power needed (+300 GW by 2050).
SuperGrid institute is working on enabling technologies and services to facilitate the development of such projects. Especially through efficient connections of wind energy to the grid and managing the impact of intermittence and loss inertia.

As a co-founder of Wind power Alliance, we cater to equipment manufacturers and offshore windfarm developers & operators with our expertise, tools and testing facilities, supporting the emergence of innovative system solutions. 

We perform feasibility, techno-economic and advanced design studies for wind power collection systems and export power transmission systems.

Grid consulting services

SuperGrid Institute is internationally recognized for its expertise in DC grids. Our experts support your innovative mixed AC/DC grid architecture studies and techno-economic analyses, as well as multi-terminal DC grids control and protection specifications, design and validation.

Subsea smart hubs

The “Fishbone” architecture is a very promising inter-array collection solution for most forthcoming floating wind farms. It offers higher energy savings at a lower cost & faster installation & intervention times than existing solutions. SuperGrid Institute supports the floating wind industry in the specification, design and validation of subsea smart hubs technologies, the key enabler of fishbone architecture.

OpteaSoft Wind

Our specialised software OpTEAsoft Wind optimises the inter-array design of AC-connected offshore wind farms. It accurately models and assesses the full wind farm connection architecture using widely recognised KPIs, enabling project owners, developers & consultants to make decisions quickly and precisely.

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Paul VINSONPartnerships & Business Development Director
SuperGrid Institute – 23 rue Cyprian 69100 Villeurbanne

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 4 28 01 23 23

Occitanie Region – Wind’Occ

Occitanie Region – Wind’Occ

Booth : Hall B2.EG – 210.2

#floating #offshore #RégionOccitanie #Windocc

about us :

The Occitanie / Pyrenees-Mediterranean Region, located in the south of France, aims to become the first Region of Positive Energy. One of the objectives is 800MW of floating offshore wind to be installed by 2030. The Region has invested in dedicated port infrastructures in Port-La Nouvelle to welcome the construction of floating offshore wind turbines and industrial facilities to create the future logistics hub of the FOWT sector in Occitanie. Offshore Wind in Occitanie is also a regional brand, called Wind’Occ, which aims to bring together players in the offshore wind sector and promote their skills. 200 local companies have the potential to develop skills for the offshore wind market. AD’OCC, the regional agency for economic development, is supporting these companies at each stage of their development: creation, set up, innovation, growth, and export.

Wind’Occ: Occitanie for offshore wind power

Wind’occ is a collective initiative for the floating offshore wind industry. Wind’Occ affiliates are companies located in Occitanie region positioned or wishing to position themselves on offshore wind power.

Discover the directory of Wind’Occ members on the website:

France Offshore Renewables

Floating Offshore Renewables is the French inter-cluster alliance for offshore wind and your gateway to the French offshore supply chain and to offer you easier access to find French partners

The inter-cluster alliance is composed of 6 regional clusters: Normandie Maritime, Bretagne Ocean Power, Neopolia, Aquitaine Blue Energies, Wind’Occ and Sudeole

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Laurie LanovazExport Project manager – Energy
3840 Avenue Georges Frêche, 34470 Pérols, France

E-mail :
Tel : +33 4 99 64 29 29

NOTUS energy

NOTUS energy

Booth : Hall B2.EG – 210.6

#wind #solar #renewableenergy #energytransition #Greenenergy #agrivolatism

about us :

The future will be shaped by the wind and the sun. NOTUS energy builds renewable energy plants worldwide and is an independent climate-friendly power producer. We execute large-scale international projects as a general contractor, we take over your technical and commercial management as an asset manager, we are a technology company and develop AI solutions for renewable energies.
NOTUS energy. Power on your side.

NOTUS energy in Numbers

– 4.125 MW of wind power installed and under development

– 1.348 MWp of solar power in development

415 employees work for NOTUS energy at the company’s headquarters in our offices around the world. Our experts combine a passion for new challenges with years of experience. They include NOTUS engineers, geographers, environmental scientists, ornithologists, finance experts and in-house lawyers. For safety and efficiency in our projects.

Promoters of renewable energy projects need flexible solutions. That’s exactly what we provide. We can turn every project into a win-win situation – for our business partners and for local people.

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Beate Lieser / Esther LecarpentierMarketing
NOTUS énergie France services – 92 rue de Rennes – 75005 Paris

Tél. : ++142 22 03 03
Beate Lieser : +33 7 87 01 95 89
Esther Lecarpentier : +33 6 77 13 60 27



Booth : Hall B2.EG – 210.4

#project developer #energy #Onshore Project Developer #operator #renewable energy

about us :

H2air is a French IPP, created by Roy MAHFOUZ in 2008.
For more than 15 years, H2air develops wind and solar projects by offering a turnkey solution in France and abroad.
The company supports all stages of a renewable energy project, from development to construction and operation. H2air also handles the operation of assets for third parties: it means we can operate for h2air portfolio and for other customers. We have recently integrated a monitoring service. This monitoring service allows us to offer a complete digitalization of our wind farms, to reinforce security and cybersecurity and to optimize the performance of our wind farms. We can then offer many innovative solutions to our wind farm owners.

Invest or finance renewable energy projects in France

Buy green electricity produced in France

Entrust your French ENR portfolio by operating to H2air GT

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29 rue des Trois Cailloux 80000 AMIENS – FRANCE

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 3 22 80 01 64

BW Ideol

BW Ideol

Booth : Hall B2.EG – 220.2

#floatingoffshorewind #futureisfloating #floatingwind #offshorewind

about us :

BW Ideol is a leading, fully integrated platform in floating offshore wind, with 13 years of experience in the design, execution, and development of floating wind projects. The company employs a dual-leg growth strategy: as an EPCI (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Installation) and maintenance services provider, and as a developer and co-owner of floating offshore wind farms. At this early stage in the floating wind industry, BW Ideol offers a unique blend of proven expertise and valuable experience.

BW Ideol currently operates two full-scale units. Floatgen, funded by the EU, features a 2 MW floating turbine off the French North Atlantic coast, connected to the SEM-REV test site. The Hibiki demonstrator, funded by Japan’s NEDO governmental agency and constructed by Hitachi Zosen, has successfully weathered several typhoons without damage to its floating foundation.

The company is also involved in the EolMed project, a French floating wind pilot initiative with three 10 MW turbines, utilizing BW Ideol’s patented floating foundations. The Damping® Pool hull and transition piece are entirely manufactured in France, benefiting the local supply chain and enabling the project to access non-recourse financing.

Additionally, BW Ideol has a robust project pipeline, including 1 GW of development in Scotland (the Buchan Project), and is supported by BW Offshore’s extensive experience in offshore energy production.

BW Ideol owns and operates France’s 1st offshore wind turbine, Floatgen (2 MW), since 2018. This floating wind turbine is equipped with the Damping Pool® floating foundation and has proven its outstanding performance and seakeeping capabilities, allowing for 5 more years of operation. In January 2024, Floatgen achieved the milestone of producing 30 GWh.

BW Ideol offers a standardized floating foundation based on the Damping Pool®. This universal floating foundation is optimized for all metocean conditions and is compatible with all 15 MW+ wind turbines. Our standard product is pre-certified and comes with a blueprint that unlocks mass production, demonstrating the capacity to produce up to 1 floating foundation per week.

BW Ideol has secured the right to develop a floating wind farm in the ScotWind tender launched by Crown Estate Scotland, in partnership with and Elicio, as part of a consortium now known as Buchan Offshore Wind. Located 75 km northeast of Fraserburgh on the Aberdeenshire coast, Buchan Offshore Wind is a significant floating wind project with a capacity of approximately 1 GW.

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Salomé ROUSSYCommunication Officer
147 avenue du Jujubier, La Ciotat, 13600

Contact :
Tél. : 04 86 25 76 00 / +33 6 23 51 78 60