Booth 3-B110-B

#Enr #Transitionénergétique #Energieverte #Energiesolaire #Energieéolienne #Offshore

about us :

Since 1994, VALOREM, an independent French operator in green energy has been working to meet the challenge of a sustainable energy future by involving local populations and communities. VALOREM has adopted a multi-energy approach adapted to the specificities of each territory. A pioneer in onshore wind power, the group also has expertise in solar and hydroelectric power, marine renewable energy, offshore wind and hydrogen.
With 450 employees in France and in Europe, VALOREM‘s agencies and maintenance bases are located as close as possible to its renewable energy projects. The group exports its know-how internationally through subsidiaries and local partnerships that operate in their geographical areas, particularly in Finland, Greece and Poland.

Sainte Rose Wind Farm

The 16MW wind farm located in Sainte Rose, North of Basse Terre in Guadeloupe is the first multimegawatt wind farm built in French West Indie, a tropical storm area. Managed by an IA EMS, the wind farm includes 4MW Storage in order to be able to pitch during storms. The park increate the wind power capacity of the island by 53%.


With its 313,5 MW, VIIATTI is the most important wind project in VALOREM’s history. Located the region Ostrobothnia in Finland, the 27 turbine wind farms will produce 1TWh per year which represents around 1.2% of the Finnish annual electricity consumption.

Jazeneuil Windfarm, HV Substation & Storage

The upcoming 30 MW windfarm of Jazeneuil will be connected to the HV Substation (90kV) built by VALOREM in 2021. VALOREM also installed a 2MW storage station for a 2,5MWh production to support the flexibility of the grid.

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Lydiane Rasse-MagnéCommunication
213 cours Victor Hugo, 33323 BEGLES CEDEX

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 6 34 08 11 37 – +33 (0)5 56 49 62 65


Booth 3-C122-C

#French #Trade #Organisation #Offshore #Wind #Nationalassociation

about us :

The French Renewable Energy Trade Association gathered 520 companies, representing more than 200 000 jobs and 25 billion euros turnover. It represents directly and indirectly thousands of industrials, large companies, SME’s, R&D centers from all of the renewable energy channels: biofuels, biomass, wood, biogas, renewable marine power, onshore and offshore wind power, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, heat pumps, solar photovoltaics, thermal and concentrated solar power. The primary missions of the SER are :

–          To develop the share of renewable energy in France’s energy production and to promote the interests of the French private sector.

–          To participate in the creation and implementation of legislative and regulatory framework. In constant contact with political authorities, ministerial cabinets, and the administration, the SER follows, from day-to-day, the discussions and work of the Assemblée Nationale (National Assembly) and the Sénat (Senate) and informs its members.

–          To represent the French private sectors in the discussion with international and national financial institutions, foreign authorities or international organizations (European Commission, IRENA, International Solar Alliance, IEA,..)

–          To support its members and facilitate their development in France and abroad. Through the organization of collective missions, country information meetings, BtoB meetings, conferences, seminars, and forums in partnership with local authorities, the SER also boasts its experience of implementing development policy for renewable energy projects.

–          To assist SER’s counterparts in least developed countries in their maturation, position papers elaboration, key founding events organization, knowledge sharing in order to ease and speed local energy transition through renewables.

There are currently 20 GW of onshore wind installed in France, and the official target for 2028 is between 33,2 and 34,7 GW of installed capacity. Leading various workshops, the SER undertakes many actions to help its members (more than 200 of them operates in the onshore wind sector) and facilitate the development of wind energy farms in France.

Regarding offshore wind, SER contributes to planning and identifying areas for future tenders, as well as simplifying and improving the regulatory framework to secure and accelerate project development procedures. SER also takes part in consultations prior to the launch of tenders for future offshore wind farms.


40, rue La Boétie, 75008, Paris, France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 1 48 78 05 60


Booth 3-C110-F

#atlantic #port #france #logistics #breakbulk #renewable

about us :

Port Atlantique La Rochelle is the 6th largest French port. It is a deep sea port on the Atlantic coast and hosts most large vessels 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

It deals with a versatile and diversified traffic of goods. As part of its dynamics for the benefit of the ecological transition, an example of this, is its adaptation, to be a Logistics Hub for the offshore wind energy.

This commitment is also reflected in actions to reduce CO2 by promoting modal shift by rail.

Innovation, one of the pillars of its strategy, is demonstrated by the development of digital tools and the creation of a Port Innovation Operator for its use and that of its customers and partners.

Accompanied by the port’s businesses and communities, Port Atlantique La Rochelle aims to be responsive, sustainable and intelligent.

Port Atlantique La Rochelle, a logistics hub for renewable energy

-20 years of experience in the wind energy field
-70,000 m2 of storage space
-280 ha of commercial land surface
-Easy road access for exceptional haulage

Available surface area with heavy lift characteristics:

-1,570 metres of docks at -14 m CD
-360 metres certified at 10 t/m2
-250 metres for offshore & industrial projects >20 t/m2 in project

Safety and reliability of nautical access:

-Accessible under all tidal conditions
-No air draught
-No bridge before docking

MRE – Gathering and promoting expertise and skills:

Aquitaine Blue Energies:
Association of regional companies acting in the value chain of marine energies.

Aquitania Ports Link:
Regional ports association of La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Bayonne and Rochefort-Tonnay-Charente with Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Council and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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Julie COSNEAUStrategic Marketing Manager
141 boulevard Émile Delmas, CS 70394 – 17001 La Rochelle Cedex 1

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)5 46 00 53 60 – +33 (0)6 80 45 71 44 – +33 (0)5 46 00 53 64


Booth 3-B110-A

#MRE #MarineRenewableEnergies #OffshoreWindEnergy #BlueEnergies #Cluster #France

about us :

Aquitaine Blue Energies is a dynamic cluster, created in May 2021.
The association clusters companies and local businesses from the French Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Members are united around the same values and dedication to the energy transition, focusing on marine energies.
Our missions and commitment:
– to identify local know-how and skills related to the Marine and Offshore Wind Energies sector, in order to structure and consolidate the local industry,
– to promote regional activities and represent the economic players,
– to develop the local employment in order to guarantee local social and economic benefits,
– to stimulate the growth of local businesses by supporting skills improvement and industrial diversification,
– to join forces in order to offer a collaborative service to prime contractors,
– to animate the business network: exchanging information, linking companies with each other, organising and sharing trade show stands, organising conferences and workshops, etc.


Aquitaine Blue Energies is a business cluster whose management is held by a committee of voluntary business managers.


Members of ABE are companies from all backgrounds, as long as they participate in building the local network, from any segment of the value chain, and that they contribute to the economic and social local interest, whatever the MRE technology they are working on.


Structured as an association, Aquitaine Blue Energies is a non-profit organisation. The assets are intended to finance the promotion of local know-how through communication tools, events organisation, trade shows exhibition, etc.


François-Georges KUHNCEO
Adresse : c/o Union Maritime La Rochelle,
141, Boulevard Emile Delmas – CS70394 – 17001 La Rochelle Cedex

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 11 22 34 99


Booth 3-D110-A

#lightning #storms #safety

about us :

European operator of a lightning detection network, Météorage provides professionals with lightning risk prevention services. Météorage supports customers in France, in Europe and internationally.

Specialized in the mitigation of lightning risk, and assistance to its management, we work with many sectors of activity, including wind energy, industry, insurance oil depots, refineries, network operators, etc.
Our services do not require any installation or maintenance for our users, and allow them to cover all levels of lightning risks, with the possibility of:
– being alerted of the arrival of a storm on their site,
– visualizing and following the lightning activity in real time, on 1 or more geolocated sites, and the representation of storm cells.
– realizing reports following a stormy episode.
The unmatched efficiency of our network, proven by several recognized scientifical studies, enables us to provide some high-level services throughout Europe.  We detect 98% of the entire lightning activity throughout Europe and our average current location accuracy is under 100 meters.

Lightning alarm services

Get warned when a storm is approaching your wind farm, secure your staff or equipment on site and limit business interruptions.

– Mobile use: with Geoflash, keep up to date using your smartphone’s geolocation.

– Compliant with the international standards
– Visualization / Automation option available

– Customization possible for multi-site operators.

Lightning Observation

Météorage offers observation services that enable managers to visualize immediately online and in real-time, the storm situations on all windfarms and sites. With the storm cells representation, users can assess storms severity, follow their progression, and predict their movement within 1 hour.

Lightning Remote Counter

Get the detailed list and map of impacts recorded on your site after a storm, target your checks, and confirm that lightning was responsible for your incident.

New in 2024! Identify now:

– the exact wind turbine affected by lightning and its distance from recorded impact.

– the ranking of the lightning strike most likely to have hit the wind turbine.

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Carine ESCARAINSales Manager Southern Europe
METEORAGE, Technopole Hélioparc, 64000 PAU – France

E-mail :
Tél. : (+33) 5 59 80 77 30 – (+33) 5 24 98 71 72 – (+33) 6 84 16 63 05


Booth 3-C110-E


about us :

Based in Plaisir, South West of Paris, HENSOLDT France is a fully owned subsidiary of HENSOLDT Group, a world leading sensor manufacturer for aerospace, ground and naval applications. HENSOLDT France developed AirSentinel, a solution for aircraft detection lighting systems (ADLS, BNK).

AirSentinel is a passive receiver. It detects aircraft approaching the wind farm area and representing a potential hazard. It activates the obstruction lights until the aircraft is away from the risk zone. The win farm area can remain dark most of the night, avoiding light pollution at night and without compromise on flight safety.

AirSentinel complies with German Regulation BMVI-LF15-20200424-SF-A006.

AirSentinel is one of many sensors, developed by HENSOLDT for superior performance in any environment. Our sensors portfolio detects a wide range of objects and targets based on primary and secondary radars, optronics, electronic warfare, avionics and cyber technology.

HENSOLDT AG is a leading company in the European defence and security industry. Based near Munich, the company develops complete sensor solutions for defence and security applications. With more than 6,400 employees, HENSOLDT achieved a turnover of 1.7 billion euros in 2022. HENSOLDT is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

AirSentinel is a passive receiver that detects aircraft transponder signals (modes A, C, S, ADS-B). It ensures that nights around wind farms will remain dark most of the time, without compromise on flight safety.

AirSentinel tracks approaching aircraft that may represent a hazard. When the aircraft is at a distance, the light stays off, reducing light pollution.

When AirSentinel detects aircraft transponder signals, it activates obstruction lights until the aircraft is away from the risk zone, ensuring safety throughout the night.

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Mahdi CamaraSales Manager
HENSOLDT France SAS – 115 Avenue de Dreux – 78370 Plaisir

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)1 80 82 93 77 – +33 (0)6 30 33 43 42

France Energies Marines

France Energies Marines
Booth 3-C110-B

#offshore #wind #energy #research #development #innovation

about us :

France Energies Marines is a centre of pooled expertise in offshore renewable energy that has gained recognition for its valuable achievements since 2012 for the European industrial sector. To accomplish this, it draws upon its in-house talents (85 employees), its network of industrial and academic experts and at sea infrastructures (English Channel, Atlantic Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea). Its mission is to define, set up and apply the scientific and technical environment required to overcome technological viability barriers, while satisfying environmental integration criteria.

France Energies Marines stands out for its cross-disciplinary approach, which provides the entire sector with the innovative and validated tools needed to reduce the cost of producing energy and financing operational projects. The Institute develops differentiating and holistic approaches to reduce the time needed to build offshore farms. The Institute is built around a public-private partnership, bringing together 27 members who are key players in the energy sector in France and abroad.

Research and innovation are firmly rooted at the heart of the Institute’s work, which is organised into five focus areas:

– Setting up, coordinating and operating investment programme, and contributing to national or European R&D projects along with key players of the industry
– Delivery of research and expertise services,
– Running of the national resource centre RESCORE,
– Creation of a national offshore observation network,
– Participation in expert panels and networks.

Digital twins for FOWT to bring down OPEX by 15%

– Preliminary studies: sensor strategy, work organisation adaptation with AI models

– Design: mooring optimisation, software architecture, digital twin update with field data

– O&M: subsea component monitoring

– Decommissioning: methodology for lifetime extension

Site characterisation to cover the full development process

– Analyses of metocean databases and set-up of numerical models

– In-situ measurements

– Metocean design basis and design load cases derivation

– Assessment of specific events and effects of nonlinear or breaking waves

– Accessibility studies

– Prediction of farm impacts on the socio-ecosystem

First French offshore research platform dedicated to offshore wind energy backed by a met mast located in the Fécamp wind farm

– Testing and proof of concept of sensors and systems

– Licensing of physical and biological data

– Monitoring biofouling and testing new materials

– Monitoring corrosion in air, in the wave action zone and/or in seawater

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Juliette SAUNIERORE Technical and Business Developer
France Energies Marines – Bâtiment Cap Océan – 525 avenue Alexis de Rochon – 29280 Plouzané – France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 0(2) 98 49 98 69 – +33 (0)6 63 84 39 17


Booth 3-C110-D

#Blade bearing #Service #Inspection #Maintenance

about us :

Rollix, department of Defontaine group is the expert in slewing rings from 100 mm to 6000 mm diameter, with and without gear, for all applications.
95% of our production is exported in more than 65 countries. 

On the wind turbine market, Rollix is the leading supplier of blade bearings, focusing on the largest onshore platforms and offshore latest multi-MW turbines of up to 15 MW.
Rollix specialised engineers have the expertise to design optimal slewing bearings in close collaboration with wind turbine manufacturers. Our production plant is approved by all major Offshore & Onshore IPPs.
Rollix slewing bearings are delivered worldwide from our dedicated production facilities. With more than 249,000 pitch bearings delivered, representing an installed capacity of 154 GW (including 11 GW offshore), Rollix has unparalleled experience in the wind power, including offshore.
Rollix also provides comprehensive on-site inspections and assessments and can deliver spare parts for a large range of models.
Choosing Rollix, you will benefit from the latest innovations validated thanks to our own test benches and get the best quality of slewing rings.
We look forward to meeting you and be able to discuss together on new opportunities.

Spare parts and service

Rollix can provide blade bearings as spare parts for almost all wind turbines. Many references are in stock so that we can deliver you worldwide in a short time.

We can also offer you a large range of service :

– Inspection

– Seals replacement on site

– Videoscopy

– Retrofit

– Maintenance advice

Offshore blade bearings

Rollix is a leader in the design and manufacturing of offshore blade bearings.

Our specialised R&D team is here to help you from the very beginning of your project.

Our dedicated production plants will give you a validated product.

Onshore blade bearings

Since the year 80’s, Rollix remains the prefered partner of the most important wind turbine OEMs. You will benefit from the latest innovations validated thanks to Rollix test benches.


Nicole JANVRAISSales Manager for wind business
Rue Saint Eloi – BP1 – 85530 LA BRUFFIERE – FRANCE

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 2 51 45 94 94 – +33 2 51 45 92 68

Atlantique Offshore Energy

Atlantique Offshore Energy
Booth B30-F

#ElectricalOffshoreSubstation #OffshoreWind #Offshore #RenewableEnergy

about us :

Atlantique Offshore Energy is Chantiers de l’Atlantique Business Unit specialized in tailor-made solutions for specific Engineering or turnkey EPCIM projects (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation and Maintenance), with a dedicated focus on Electrical Offshore Substations. We benefit from major competitive assets to answer our customer’s expectations worldwide:
–             Expert teams in design and production of marine installations
–             Project management, focusing on safety, quality and delivery times
–             Decades of know-how as technology integrator
–             Large industrial and logistical capacities with direct access to the open sea
We have a strong experience designing complex technical projects, such as ships, modules and complete Electrical Offshore Substations (AC and DC / Topsides and Foundations). We developed and standardized a basic and detailed design process to ensure on time delivery of large projects in a multi discipline environment reviewing and optimizing, at each step of this process, its main assumptions to deliver best-in-class products. Our owned engineering resources, localized in our production site, benefit from strong feedbacks from recent projects. It secures a high level of quality and an appropriate level of maturity to all the design deliverables, as well as robust integration of lessons learned and potential optimizations.
2 GW of Renewable Energy is currently connected to the Grid thanks to the Electrical Offshore Susbtations we already designed, constructed and commissioned, and another 2 GW will be added with the projects we will soon deliver.

In October 2022, EMYN and EMDT (consortium composed of Ocean Winds, Sumitomo Corporation and la Banque des Territoires) chose Atlantique Offshore Energy to deliver the full Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning of  Yeu-Noirmoutier and Dieppe Le Treport Electrical Offshore Substation Topsides.wind farms.

In February 2021, Atlantique Offshore Energy was selected by Ørsted to deliver the full Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning of Gode Wind 3 Electrical Offshore Substation Topside and Modular Support Frame.

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Jean-Christophe BESCONDSales & Marketing Manager
Avenue Bourdelle CS90180

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 2 51 10 91 00 – +33 6 60 69 82 82