Booth : Hall B2.EG – 220.5
#Normandy #renewable #ports #infrastructure #widespaces #projects
The coastal region of Normandy boasts France’s second highest wind energy potential and the nation’s biggest reservoir of tidal energy in the Alderney Race. Supported by local policy guidelines, Ports of Normandy is aware that its harbour installations and local know-how put its ports in a prime position to harness the sector’s potential. Port de Normandie soon set to work finding out what industrial concerns and energy suppliers needed to develop MRE in its ports.
The face of Cherbourg has evolved considerably over the last seven years. As the strong arm of local government institutions, Ports of Normandy is making a major contribution to the emergence of this new sector and bringing a breath of fresh air to the port of Cherbourg’s activity. It is proving to be successful thanks to a level of infrastructure that is seen as one of the highest in the country. Ports of Normandy is drawing on unique conditions to provide an appropriate response to needs for industrial manufacturing, logistics, and construction and maintenance of offshore wind farms and tidal turbines and also for innovation.
This strategy has convinced Eolien Maritime France (EMF) who assemble two of its wind farms (Courseulles and Fécamp) in Cherbourg.

Cherbourg, at the heart of the French coastline bordering the English Channel, is an ideal industrial and logistics hub for various markets.
With three of the seven French offshore wind farm projects allocated so far, and a 1 GW wind farm planned shortly, Normandy and Cherbourg can claim to be among the leading sites nationally and in Europe

A dedicated Port for Renewable
Cherbourg: 80 ha of land in a single block
- Favourable geological position
- Sandy areas
- Very weak settling
- Bookable including along the quay

Conventional and heavy load quays
- 320 m – 15 T/sqm – Depth: 14.5 m
- 360 m – 5 T/sqm – Depth: 12.5m
- Berths policy adapted to MRE

E-mail : christophe.fouquet@portsdenormandie.fr
Tél. : +33 (0) 231 536 445 / + 33 (0)646 529 984