Booth 3-C122-C
#French #Trade #Organisation #Offshore #Wind #Nationalassociation
about us :
The French Renewable Energy Trade Association gathered 520 companies, representing more than 200 000 jobs and 25 billion euros turnover. It represents directly and indirectly thousands of industrials, large companies, SME’s, R&D centers from all of the renewable energy channels: biofuels, biomass, wood, biogas, renewable marine power, onshore and offshore wind power, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, heat pumps, solar photovoltaics, thermal and concentrated solar power. The primary missions of the SER are :
– To develop the share of renewable energy in France’s energy production and to promote the interests of the French private sector.
– To participate in the creation and implementation of legislative and regulatory framework. In constant contact with political authorities, ministerial cabinets, and the administration, the SER follows, from day-to-day, the discussions and work of the Assemblée Nationale (National Assembly) and the Sénat (Senate) and informs its members.
– To represent the French private sectors in the discussion with international and national financial institutions, foreign authorities or international organizations (European Commission, IRENA, International Solar Alliance, IEA,..)
– To support its members and facilitate their development in France and abroad. Through the organization of collective missions, country information meetings, BtoB meetings, conferences, seminars, and forums in partnership with local authorities, the SER also boasts its experience of implementing development policy for renewable energy projects.
– To assist SER’s counterparts in least developed countries in their maturation, position papers elaboration, key founding events organization, knowledge sharing in order to ease and speed local energy transition through renewables.

There are currently 20 GW of onshore wind installed in France, and the official target for 2028 is between 33,2 and 34,7 GW of installed capacity. Leading various workshops, the SER undertakes many actions to help its members (more than 200 of them operates in the onshore wind sector) and facilitate the development of wind energy farms in France.

Regarding offshore wind, SER contributes to planning and identifying areas for future tenders, as well as simplifying and improving the regulatory framework to secure and accelerate project development procedures. SER also takes part in consultations prior to the launch of tenders for future offshore wind farms.


E-mail : contact@enr.fr
Tél. : +33 1 48 78 05 60