Booth : Hall B2.EG – 210.11
#noise forecasting and modelling #real-time noise monitoring #underwater passive acoustic measurement #marine mammals’ detection #BACI protocols #impact assessments
about us :
Quiet-Oceans is specialised in subsea acoustic.
The company’s expertise covers underwater noise forecasting, risk assessment and consulting services to mitigate the impact of noise on biodiversity. Quiet-Oceans carries out in-situ measurements as well, real-time noise monitoring with detection of marine mammals and an alert sending system if the noise threshold is exceeded.
Quiet-Oceans helps the governmental agencies and the industry to conduct environmental impact studies for maritime projects in the fields of Renewable Marine Energy (offshore wind farms, tidal energy, ocean thermal energy, etc.), offshore constructions, port development, coastal development and seismic surveying. We have an extensive experience in the offshore wind farms implantations in Europe, and help the offshore industry to secure their projects.
Besides, our company carries out research focused on ensuring Good Environmental Status regarding noise level in European waters in accordance with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and its implementation within the respective domestic laws of European countries.

Quonops: an operational forecasting and monitoring system
Quonops, an online platform developed in-house, patented and recognised by the sector’s major public and private players, is fully compatible with all data sources for modelling acoustic wave propagation, natural and man-made.

SmartPAM: real-time underwater passive acoustic monitoring
Can be deployed as a marine buoy or as a fixed unit box on a quay or ship deck.
SmartPAM enables:
-Real-time and continuous noise measurement, with alert sending system if the noise threshold is exceeded
-Real-time detection of marine mammals, and identification of target species
-Integrated data processing

Ocean planner: Scenario-based modelling and forecasting
Enables analysis of maritime traffic, assessment of the benefits and costs of measures to regulate maritime spatial planning, such as:
– Speed limits, exclusion zones, one-way traffic, ship categories
– Indicates the percentage of CO2 emissions, noise emissions and changes in maritime traffic

Quiet-Oceans SAS, 525 avenue Alexis de Rochon, 29280 Plouzané, France
www.quiet-oceans.comE-mail : sales@quiet-oceans.com
Tél. : +33 982 282 123