Hall 9 – 9-B20
#Electrolytes #IonicLiquids #EnergyStorage #SolidPolymerElectrolyte #NonFlammable #SaferBatteries
about us :
Solvionic specializes in the production of Ionic Liquids, specifically designed for cutting-edge electro-chemical devices, especially energy storage systems. Our production facilities and strategic approach ensure a rapid and dependable scale-up of our products to meet industrial demands. What makes us stand out is our dedication to delivering exceptionally pure Ionic Liquids, thanks to meticulous quality control procedures tailored for our products. Additionally, Solvionic thrives on innovation, continuously exploring new materials and processes inspired by the unique properties of ionic liquids. Join us on a journey where we use chemistry and innovation to create a cleaner and better energy future.
Solvionic provides a wide range of ionic liquids with more than 80 references available. Products manufactured in our laboratory range from 10 grams to 1.5 tons per month and offer a very high purity (98%, 99%, 99.5% and 99.9%).
Solvionic produces high-quality ionic liquids based electrolytes that are safer for batteries, electrochromic devices, and electrodeposition.
Solvionic produces a range of metallic salts utilized in formulating electrolytes for batteries, electrochromic devices, and electrodeposition applications.
11 Chemin des Silos, 31100 Toulouse, France
E-mail : sales@solvionic.com
Tél. : +33 (0)5 32 26 20 20