Hall 9 – 9-B20
#Metal #Recycling #Batteries #Energy #Decarbonization #Industry #CircularEconomy
about us :
Mecaware has developed a breakthrough chemical process to selectively extract strategical metals such as lithium, nickel, cobalt from lithium-ion battery waste (production scraps and end-of-life batteries) valorising a series of green innovations, where CO2 is captured from industrial sources and used as an input product
MECAWARE exploits the deposit of the urban mine to produce purified strategic metals such as Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel, Manganese, Aluminium and Copper, which are essential for the green technologies of the 21st century.
MECAWARE patended solutions are based on cutting-edge innovations with economical and environmental high efficiency:
- CO2 as an input material,
- limited footprint,
- Significant reduction in by-products and rejects
Production of battery grade products and comprehensive recycling of critical metals (Li, Ni, Co, Mn) from electrical vehicles batteries to Cathod Active Material precursors
Coq Vert
41 boulevard Marcel Sembat – 69200 Vénissieux – France
E-mail : contact@mecaware.com
Tél. : +33 (0)4 87 65 12 84/ +33 (0)6 42 17 56 96