#Innovation #Cluster #Collaboration #Energy #Projects


about us :

Tenerrdis was founded in 2005 to identify, develop, and deploy novel and efficient low-carbon energy solutions and ecosystems. With a sharp focus on Net Zero by 2050, Tenerrdis is now rolling out programs to bring innovation, economic development, value creation, and job growth to sustainable industries in support of more robust local communities and a more resilient industrial economy.
The cluster’s scope of action encompasses:
•           Providing members—especially SMBs¬—with support for their innovation projects by facilitating cooperation with other stakeholders in the ecosystem.
•           Helping members identify the most appropriate financing instruments for their projects.
•           Assisting members with project development and implementation.
•           Making targeted introductions so that members can work in partnerships
•           Developing international cooperations for our cluster and for our members
Tenerrdis currently counts more than 280 members representing the key energy transition stakeholders, from educational institutions, research organizations, and government agencies to private-sector companies.


Supporting research and innovation projects is the core business of a competitiveness cluster.

In 2023, 51 European Projects have been supported by Tenerrdis and Tenerrdis is currently involved in 9 european projects.

Networking and communication

Tenerrdis organizes networking events to help forge partnerships, link with local communities etc…

In 2023, 83 events have gathered more than 3500 persons.

We offer as well many B2B opportunities, virtual or on-site.

International development

Together with our regional partners, we welcome foreign companies willing to discover our unique regional ecosystem. We supported 61 international connections in 2023. Feel free to contact us!


Ingrid MILCENTInternational Cooperations
Tenerrdis 19 rue des berges – 38024 Grenoble Cedex– France

E-mail : contact@tenerrdis.fr
Tél. : +33 (0)4 76 51 85 34 / +33 (0)6 79 38 60 02 / +33 (0)6 79 38 60 02


Hall 9 – 9-B20

#Manufacturing #Design #Industry #Dismantling #Battery


about us :

Created in 2015, Lagazel is the first company to produce localy off-grid solar products to enlight the 650 millions of Africans who do not have access to electricity.
Three facilities operates in West Africa.
Since 2020, Lagazel has started a pilot project to reduce the volume of waste by setting up an industrial demonstrator for sorting, testing and reconditioning products and components from the solar industry.
We have transposed the manufacturing of local solar equipement in France and also start to work for the battery industry in Europe.

LAGAZEL has designed high quality portable solar lamps that are adapted to the needs of various populations and are accessible to the greatest number of people.

If the solar panel is exposed to sunlight during the day, the lamp will function all night, and the light will stay bright, year after year. With its multiple functions, the lamp provides excellent lighting in your living area and a reading mode for students, and can be used as a flashlight. Its format is designed for use by people who do not have access to electricity, whether occasionally (moving around out of doors, camping trips or nature trips), or permanently (a great majority of the African population has to deal with a non-existent or faulty electrical supply).

Developing second hand battery packs in the off-grid energy sector

There is currently no infrastructure to support li-ion battery recycling in sub-Saharan Africa.  Logistical complexity and associated costs make it difficult for solar distributors and recyclers to send batteries abroad. As a result, companies store stockpiles of Li-ion batteries at their end-of-life. On top of that, battery operation is dependent on the weakest cell in the pack, if one cell fails, the whole battery pack fails and is considered non-functional. Currently, companies discard all battery cells when the product reaches its end-of-life (EoL).

CHABANNE, your partner and provider of Solutions

We develop metal wire and strip parts with our customers, subcontractors and suppliers in a genuine spirit of partnership and co-design based on the appreciation for work well done.

Our expertise helps find design solutions. We can propose parts based on a blueprint, drawing or function. We contribute to the development of simple, functional and economic parts. A key watchword at Chabanne has always been “co-design”. Every day our team of technicians and our engineering and design department work hand in hand with our customers to develop metal wire parts or metal strip parts.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Chabanne has always sought to improve employee working conditions, notably by investing heavily in continuous improvement. This has resulted in enhanced loyalty among our employees and the development of our expertise from one generation to the next.
Concerning energy-saving, the optimisation of transport activities and the respect of current environmental standards, Chabanne Industry strives to reduce its environmental footprint year after year. Moreover, CHABANNE is accompanying the development of Lagazel, a company specialising in the production of solar products in France and in Africa.


441 Route de Rivas – 26750 Châtillon Saint Jean – France

E-mail : contact@lagazel.com
Tél. : +33 (0)4 27 64 30 51