Hall 9 – 9-B30

#SolutionThermoplastiques #FluidManagement #BusBar #Housing #Multi-Injection #SurmoulagePressfit


about us :

MIHB, a specialist in the transformation of thermoplastic materials, is a recognized expert in the design, industrialization and production of technical parts with high added value, from motion transmission, fluid management, appearance parts, electrical connections and much more.
MIHB supports you from the choice of plastic materials to product design, tooling development and robotic expertise. A transversal approach that also revolves around our Design Office and our know-how in rheology, metrology, assembly and logistics.
MIHB integrates advanced technologies in its workshop:
– Multi-material injection (bi injection, tri injection, quadri injection)
– IMA – overmoulding of two hollow bodies in the mold during the same cycle
– Over-molding
– Extrusion
– Injection blow molding
– IMF – In Mold Forming

For more than 50 years, MIHB has developed a real expertise in the plastic industry. We provide a full line approach to make your project a success. MIHB creates trust, focus on communication, reactivity and build a long-term partnership with its customer.

MIHB supports its customer by providing solutions for thermoplastic parts/products as bellow:

  • The right choice of raw material
  • Co-design
  • Technical feasability
  • Industrial design
  • Rheology
  • Metrology
  • Prototypes

We support you in creating infinite combinations of thermoplastic materials (function, cost, characteristic) that will ensure the quality of your plastic productions (plastic gears, connectors, pictograms, etc).

Our teams master the technologies of:

  • single, bi, tri ou quadri material injection
  • In Mold Assembly
  • In Mold Labelling
  • Inserts/busbar/magnet overmolding 

MIHB is more than an injector, we can also assemble parts.

Our teams design and create:

  • Manual assembly solutions,
  • Semi-automatic,  
  • Fully automatic,
  • Ultrasonic and hot-edge welding.

Our skills in process and automations allow us to create « specific machines », meeting your needs and issues.


MIHB is ISO 14001.


xParc Industriel de Nerciat, 215 Voie Romaine – 01100 Groissiat – France

E-mail : sales@mihb.com
Tél. : +33 (0)4 74 81 71 10


Hall 9 – 9-B20

#Manufacturing #Design #Industry #Dismantling #Battery


about us :

Created in 2015, Lagazel is the first company to produce localy off-grid solar products to enlight the 650 millions of Africans who do not have access to electricity.
Three facilities operates in West Africa.
Since 2020, Lagazel has started a pilot project to reduce the volume of waste by setting up an industrial demonstrator for sorting, testing and reconditioning products and components from the solar industry.
We have transposed the manufacturing of local solar equipement in France and also start to work for the battery industry in Europe.

LAGAZEL has designed high quality portable solar lamps that are adapted to the needs of various populations and are accessible to the greatest number of people.

If the solar panel is exposed to sunlight during the day, the lamp will function all night, and the light will stay bright, year after year. With its multiple functions, the lamp provides excellent lighting in your living area and a reading mode for students, and can be used as a flashlight. Its format is designed for use by people who do not have access to electricity, whether occasionally (moving around out of doors, camping trips or nature trips), or permanently (a great majority of the African population has to deal with a non-existent or faulty electrical supply).

Developing second hand battery packs in the off-grid energy sector

There is currently no infrastructure to support li-ion battery recycling in sub-Saharan Africa.  Logistical complexity and associated costs make it difficult for solar distributors and recyclers to send batteries abroad. As a result, companies store stockpiles of Li-ion batteries at their end-of-life. On top of that, battery operation is dependent on the weakest cell in the pack, if one cell fails, the whole battery pack fails and is considered non-functional. Currently, companies discard all battery cells when the product reaches its end-of-life (EoL).

CHABANNE, your partner and provider of Solutions

We develop metal wire and strip parts with our customers, subcontractors and suppliers in a genuine spirit of partnership and co-design based on the appreciation for work well done.

Our expertise helps find design solutions. We can propose parts based on a blueprint, drawing or function. We contribute to the development of simple, functional and economic parts. A key watchword at Chabanne has always been “co-design”. Every day our team of technicians and our engineering and design department work hand in hand with our customers to develop metal wire parts or metal strip parts.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Chabanne has always sought to improve employee working conditions, notably by investing heavily in continuous improvement. This has resulted in enhanced loyalty among our employees and the development of our expertise from one generation to the next.
Concerning energy-saving, the optimisation of transport activities and the respect of current environmental standards, Chabanne Industry strives to reduce its environmental footprint year after year. Moreover, CHABANNE is accompanying the development of Lagazel, a company specialising in the production of solar products in France and in Africa.


441 Route de Rivas – 26750 Châtillon Saint Jean – France

E-mail : contact@lagazel.com
Tél. : +33 (0)4 27 64 30 51


Hall 9 – 9-B30

#Mechanicalnotching #PrecisionCutting #Industry4.0 #MassProduction #RotativeCutting #Slitting

about us :

Hyperion Materials & Technologies, a global leader in advanced materials, stands at the crossroads of innovation and sustainability. With expertise honed through decades serving industries like aerospace and energy, Hyperion empowers progress by developing high-performance solutions for demanding applications. For the burgeoning electric vehicle (EV) battery and fuel cell industries, Hyperion offers solutions for the manufacturing of cylindrical, prismatic, and pouch cell battery modules.

Hyperion’s diverse range of rotative, straight cut, and slitting solutions cater to various EV battery and fuel cell manufacturing needs. These meticulously engineered tools deliver unmatched accuracy and efficiency, crucial for components like battery electrodes and fuel cell membranes. The exceptional sharpness ensures clean, consistent cuts, that minimize waste while maximizing yield. This translates directly into higher-performing, longer-lasting batteries and cleaner, more efficient fuel cells, ultimately impacting the range and sustainability of clean energy solutions.

Beyond product excellence, Hyperion provides comprehensive global support, ensuring clients have the expertise to maximize their production lines. As the EV and Fuel Cell landscape evolves rapidly, Hyperion remains at the forefront, continuously refining its solutions to meet the industry’s ever-changing demands.

Regular unit

Hyperion rotary cutters deliver precise, high-output processing for efficient, cost-effective production of EV battery and fuel cell components, including electrodes, insulators, and separators. The exceptional cutting precision and machine notching capabilities minimize waste while ensuring consistent quality and optimal battery performance.


Hyperion’s IQUT technology integrates seamlessly into processing lines to offer manufacturers the cutting precision and reliability of its Regular Cutting unit, while adding advanced automation, data monitoring and predictive maintenance to ensure consistent quality and yield, while lowering total production costs.


Hyperion slitting solutions offer high-speed, precision slitting for the conversion of metallic foils, separator membranes, and thermal management materials for the production of EV battery and fuel cell components. Hyperion’s tight tolerance control minimizes waste and ensures uniform thickness to optimize battery performance.


Stéphanie BATYSegment Manager Rotary Cutters
450 route de Saint-Sorlin – 26210 EPINOUZE – France

E-mail : stephanie.baty@hyperionmt.com
Tél. : +33 (0)4 75 31 38 00 / +33 (0)6 32 62 57 60


Hall 9 – 9-B30

#Copper #SustainableCopper #RawMaterial #CopperBusbars #Adhesives #CalculationOptimal #CopperLowCarbonFootprint

about us :

Since 200 years, GINDRE DUCHAVANY produce copper, since 100 years electrical copper, since 7 years to the E-Mobility.
Bars, profiles, coils and components 100% out of recycled copper. We have raw material production sites in France and Germany, components production sites in France, England, Slovakei, India, and own distribution centers in France, England, Spain, Germany, India and US.

Copper semi-product : bars, profiles and coils

Copper components out of own recycled raw material : stamping, punching, bending, turning, machining, insulation


Yves LEMBKEE-Mobility Market Leader
31 rue Giffard 38230 Pont de Cheruy France

E-mail : sales@gindre.com
Tél. : +33 (0)4 72 46 94 93