#robotics #vision #image processing #aritififial intelligence #integration #design

about us :
VISIOSHAPE designs and integrates robotic solutions for industry, combining them with high-performance vision systems. All controlled by Yoko, an in-house digital application
VISIOSHAPE is an integrator of intelligent, high value-added robotic solutions for all types of industrial applications: bin-picking, pick-and-place, assembly, inspection, finishing and surface treatment.
VISIOSHAPE brings a breath of fresh air to the robotics and vision integration business, thanks to its in-house technology: YOKO
Yoko is the robotics and vision software ecosystem created by Visioshape and embedded in our machines. It integrates specific functionalities and business functions, guaranteeing affordable, durable machines, short lead-times, high standardization and robustness.
With YOKO, we meet our customers’ main requirements: robustness, repeatability, monitoring, price, lead times and, last but not least, the connectivity of the solution.


bâtiment des Hautes technologies, 20 rue du professeur Benoît Lauras, 42000 Saint-Etienne
E-mail : contact@visioshape.fr
Tél. : +33 (0) 6 71 15 56 53