#Space #Moon #Forest #LifeSupport #OutReach #Biosphere

about us :
The Spring Institute develops Closed Ecological Life Support Systems. Closed Ecological Life Support System is a type of Biological Life Support System that attempts to create a completely self-sustaining, closed-loop system. It aims to replicate Earth’s biosphere in a miniaturized form to provide the same ecosystem services that our planet provides us: recycling air, water, and waste; as well as producing food, fiber and pharmaceuticals.
We have a unique opportunity to redefine the focus of space exploration for the next generation. Despite progress, space remains inaccessible on a global scale. By championing the strength and resilience afforded by a diverse community of scientists, engineers, artists and dreamers, we strive to engage individuals from diverse nationalities and disciplines, inspiring future generations to continue gazing at the stars, recognizing them as our shared cultural heritage.

1 Lavergne – 15700 Pleaux – FRANCE
E-mail : anatole@thespringinstitute.com
Tél. : +33 (0)6 33 73 54 59 / +33 (0)7 69 44 98 60