#Innovation #Cluster #Elastomers #Rubbers #Plastics #Polymers

about us :
POLYMERIS is the only French competitiveness cluster dedicated to rubber, plastics and composites. With a network of 520 members including 380 industrial companies, POLYMERIS works for all industrialists to bring out new R&D projects, to encourage and promote innovation and focuses its roadmap on two main strategic areas innovation and focuses its roadmap on 2 main strategic areas: the circular economy and the industry of the future.
As a benchmark in innovation, we are working in France and internationally to promote a dynamic and innovative industry, supporting the development of new technologies and the development of new products. industry, supporting the emergence and sustainability of stronger, more integrated ecosystems between between public and private players.

Circular Economy : Polymeris offers support and guidance to help French companies to position themselves in the ecological transition and circular economy (targeted monitoring of calls for projects, advice on the preparation of European applications as well as opportunities for networking and experience sharing)

Advanced Materials : POLYMERIS proposes to its members events around new materials and their applications and other with presentations of suppliers of innovative solutions. The materials of tomorrow must be recyclable, with a favorable carbon footprint, biosourced or even biodegradable in different environments, efficient with composites expected for mobility

Digital Factory : Polymeris is positioned as a key player in the transformation of the “business of tomorrow”. Materials are becoming more and more efficient and functional, integrating advanced functions, accommodating electronics and textiles, and combining advanced production technologies…

Maison des entreprises, 180 rue Pierre et Marie Curie – 01100 Bellignat – France
E-mail : contact@polymeris.fr
Tél. : (+33)4 74 12 19 23 / (+33)6 88 39 54 07