Arkema places sustainable development solutions at the heart of its innovation policy and the evolution of its product offering. We design and develop innovative solutions tailored to our customers’ main challenges and support them in their quest for sustainable performance.
Arkema has made the circular economy a priority area by transitioning to the production of more sustainable goods and services, reducing the consumption and waste of resources such as raw materials, water and energy, as well as the production of waste.
Arkema’s advanced bio-circular polyamide 11 range labeled as a “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution”, joining the #1000solutions challenge by the Solar Impulse Foundation to select solutions that meet high standards in profitability and sustainability.
Iku KOIKEMarketing & Communications Officer Fukoku-Seimei Bldg., 15F, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwaicho Chiyoda-ku – 100-0011 TOKYO – JAPAN
The COLAS Consortium has been awarded by Hynamics the design and construction of a hydrogen production and distribution station in France (EPC project). The station will supply hydrogen to 10 buses, 4 trucks, and 3 hookloaders:
Electrolyzer – 1,25 MW Production capacity of circa 450kg/day
Carbon Fighter: Colas Rail innovates with Low Carbon solutions in Infrastructure Projects with
自然がもたらす創造性、伝統がもたらす産業、強い革新性、フランスは明日の産業を生み出し、未来に着想を与えます。フランスの産業は、優れた技術、能力、そして独自のノウハウによって傑出しており、La French Fabは産業界に新たなインスピレーションを与えます。
La French Fabは、よりデジタル化され、多くのことに配慮が必要な現在の産業を支え、革新的で斬新な産業プロセスの開発に深く取り組み、常に労働環境と人々の心身の健康のバランスを保つことを追求しています。エネルギー効率と環境への影響の抑制に情熱を注ぐフランスは、デジタル転換の最先端に立ち、次のエコ産業革命「ソリューション革命」をリードしています。
La French Fabはまた、責任あるグッドプラクティスと産業ノウハウを分かち合い、保護された環境の中で、よりインクルーシブで競争力のある仕事を目指す優秀な人材を結びつけることを目的としています。その卓越性と強い革新的な精神で知られるフランスの製造業は、未来の工場の最前線にいます。
ブルーノ・ル・メール経済・財務・産業デジタル主権大臣が2017年に立ち上げたLa French Fabは、フランス全土の産業エコシステムを1つの共通の旗の下にまとめてお り、La French Fabはフランスの産業の新しい名前代名詞とも言えます。そして、最高の野望を持っています!Alliance Industrie du Futur(産業の未来アライアンス)、公的投資銀行-Bpifrance、フランス貿易投資庁-ビジネスフランス、企業連盟-France Industrie、経済・財務・産業及びデジタル主権省-企業総局(DGE)およびフランスの地方によって総体的に支援されているLa French Fabは、フランスのものづくりのノウハウに焦点を当て、人、世代、地域を結びつけ、フランス国内外で現代の課題への明確な解決策を導き出すためにデジタルと革新的なソリューションを活用することで、産業基盤の再生と転換をサポートする展望を示します。
Circular Economy : Polymeris offers support and guidance to help French companies to position themselves in the ecological transition and circular economy (targeted monitoring of calls for projects, advice on the preparation of European applications as well as opportunities for networking and experience sharing)
Advanced Materials : POLYMERIS proposes to its members events around new materials and their applications and other with presentations of suppliers of innovative solutions. The materials of tomorrow must be recyclable, with a favorable carbon footprint, biosourced or even biodegradable in different environments, efficient with composites expected for mobility
Digital Factory : Polymeris is positioned as a key player in the transformation of the “business of tomorrow”. Materials are becoming more and more efficient and functional, integrating advanced functions, accommodating electronics and textiles, and combining advanced production technologies…
Jean-Jacques LEGAT Innovation Director Maison des entreprises, 180 rue Pierre et Marie Curie – 01100 Bellignat – France
M4inline is a fully electric dot peen marking system (no air supply required) designed to be integrated into production line. It offers a powerful communication interface with PLC, and ensure stable marking quality (text, serial number, 2D code…)
Graphix is an all-in-one marking station for small to medium-sized parts. It uses fibre laser technology and provides maximum safety for users. Various marking possibilities (characters, codes, etc.) and is also available in an integrated version.
Justine FAYOLLEMarketing and Communication Manager 1 allée du développement – 42350 La Talaudière – FRANCE
Our FAB-3D system, based on a two-photon polymerization process, can produce any 3D structures in polymers, on transparent or non-transparent substrates. The system includes the laser modules, the driver modules, the high precision sample moving stages, the sample holder, and the 3D-printing software.
Denis BARBIERCEO 5 avenue du Grand Sablon – 38700 La Tronche – FRANCE
Immersive EV battery, the best technology to fast charge your EV. Motul has developed a highly specialized dielectric heat transfer fluid in which the entire battery designed by GCK Battery is immersed, thereby controlling the heat build-up from high-speed charging.
GCK offers an agnostic approach to the decarbonization of transport: providing the right technology for the right use. We are developing various technologies: 100% electric retrofit, hybrid electric retrofits with a hydrogen fuel cell and the development of hydrogen internal combustion engines.
At GCK, we adapt to our customers’ needs: power train development and integration, R&D outsourcing, dimensioning, integration studies, component development, production, validation tests, etc.
Rémi BERGERInnovation Director 1bis rue Pierre Boulanger – 63370 LEMPDES – FRANCE