#SpecialtyMaterials #CoatingSolutions #AdhesivesSolutions #Sustainability #HighPerformancePolymers
about us :

Arkema places sustainable development solutions at the heart of its innovation policy and the evolution of its product offering. We design and develop innovative solutions tailored to our customers’ main challenges and support them in their quest for sustainable performance.

Arkema has made the circular economy a priority area by transitioning to the production of more sustainable goods and services, reducing the consumption and waste of resources such as raw materials, water and energy, as well as the production of waste.

Arkema’s advanced bio-circular polyamide 11 range labeled as a “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution”, joining the #1000solutions challenge by the Solar Impulse Foundation to select solutions that meet high standards in profitability and sustainability.


Fukoku-Seimei Bldg., 15F, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwaicho Chiyoda-ku – 100-0011 TOKYO – JAPAN
Tél. : 03-5251-9900 / 090-1550-7711