

#Mobility #Data-Management #Public-Transport #Real-time  #Passenger-Information 

about us :

Product / Solution description: 
enRoute develops and offers two software platforms that allow mobility players to take control of their data : Chouette SaaS for equipment and schedule data and Ara SaaS for real-time data. 
Taking control means being able to acquire, control, aggregate, modify, stream, and record your mobility data.  
The two applications meet these functional needs and cover all modes of public transport and shared mobility. Applications are complete and fully managed through a SaaS delivery model. 
Use cases for Public Transit Agencies and Public Transit Operators :  
• Ensure that transit riders receive high-quality trip-planning information. 
• Stream high quality mobility data to journey planners, mobile applications, or open data portals (GTFS / GTFS-RT and/or NeTEx / SIRI). 
• Aggregate the data for a large territory with several PTOs and create unified schedule datasets and real-time data streams. 
• Automate the whole process of mobility data management. 
• Improve the performance of mobility services and add value to transport network assets. 
• Meet regulatory deadlines. 

Take control of your mobility data. 

Chouette SaaS is the data management solution dedicated to static mobility data. 
Collect, control and aggregate schedule data and publish high quality mobility datasets to journey planners, mobile applications, or open data portals. 

Ara SaaS is the data management solution dedicated to real time mobility data. 

Aggregate real-time data flows and Stream high quality real-time mobility data to journey planners, mobile applications, or open data portals. 


Pierre CarbonneCMO
E-mail : contact@enroute.mobi
Tél. : +33 1 88 33 74 84 – + 6 98 71 35 92

18 rue de Londres 75009 Paris – France

Website : Enroute