PYTHEAS Technology

PYTHEAS Technology

Booth M210

#underwateracoustics #sonar #transducers #hydrophones #array

about us :

With more than 40 years of experience in the design and manufacture of transducers, hydrophones and arrays for Underwater Acoustics, PYTHEAS Technology has unique expertise ranging from low-frequency projectors to HF sonar arrays, including wideband hydrophones and transducers for acoustic communication.
This know-how and these unique technologies address a large number of applications for underwater acoustics, including:
Imaging sonar for hydrography and geosciences
Underwater acoustic communication systems
Transceiver for marine robotics
Sonar system for renewable marine energies
Low-frequency coherent source for seismic or defense.
PYTHEAS Technology supports you throughout your project, from specification of the need for the sonar chain to development and characterization, and then to serial production.
PYTHEAS Technology can provide its partners with extensive experience in complex underwater acoustic systems and a unique technology portfolio to contribute to the development of the best systems on the market. From writing the specification to system development, characterization and serial production, PYTHEAS Technology supports you throughout the life of your product.

Co-development of your SONAR solution:

PYTHEAS Technology has extensive experience in the design of sonar systems and components (transducers, antennas and hydrophones). From writing the specification to system development, characterization and serial production, PYTHEAS Technology supports you throughout the life of your product.

Autonomous Platform Sonar Payload:

Maritime drones (USV and AUV) require new sonar payloads, more efficient, better integrated and more efficient. At PYTHEAS Technology we specialize in the design of sonar payloads suitable for integration on autonomous platforms

Very low-frequency transducers :

PYTHEAS Technology has unique know-how and technologies for very low-frequency underwater acoustic sources. Based on the solid state technology of Janus Helmholtz, these sources offer at the same time: very wide bandwidth (>100%), very good electroacoustic efficiency and full-depth capability.


390 avenue des rosiers – 13600 La Ciotat

E-mail :
Tél. : 07 64 74 58 55 – 06 50 39 46 66



Booth M340

#argos #navcam #rov #autonomy #remote #inspection

about us :

Forssea was created in 2016 to cut down operating costs in the offshore energy markets. We believe our industries will evolve toward smaller and smarter vessels. We want to be part of this change bringing new subsea tools to the operators.
Forssea’s philosophy is to create fully integrated robotics solution that combines plug & play hardware, fit-for-purpose embedded intelligence and real-time supervision.
FORSSEA develops and operates smart ROV for offshore energy operators (Oil & Gas, Wind) as well as scientific or Defense stakeholders. Forssea Robotics aims to deliver supervised autonomy to underwater operations. Our main product is ARGOS, a new generation and ultra-light all electric class ROV with advanced auto-navigation and remote supervision capabilities. Knowledge acquired through many years of Remote Operating Vehicle (ROV) development has also pushed in-house camera manufacturing, from inspection solutions to advanced visual navigation.

ARGOS ROV is a compact and modern Obs-Class ROV designed to enhance subsea operation efficiency in free-flying mode from light opportunity vessels. Easily configurable with market leading tooling and survey sensor, ARGOS is reshaping the way we perform subsea surveys while keeping a high safety standard.

Inclination monitoring and visual positioning solution. V-LOC calculates your assets real-time coordinates thanks to open-source tags which are affixed to them. Our technology is embedded inside a calibrated camera which exists in both air and subsea versions or highly accurate marine surveys.

The ARGOS ROV’s on-board network interface technology enables it to be piloted and supervised from a Remote Control Center (ROC) on land or on a third-party vessel. This technology requires only a simple network link, as all control/command and network management and network management is carried out directly on the ROV.

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Gautier DREYFUSCEO & Co-Founder
472 avenue du Phare de Roquerols – 34200 SETE

E-mail :
Tél. : 04 67 18 02 65 – 06 09 96 37 82



Booth N301

#imaging #underwater #innovation #realtime #technology #camera

about us :

I2s has 40 years of imaging expertise. Orphie is the company’s underwater camera division, which uses innovative image processing algorithms to deliver unrivalled real-time video image quality. Orphie patented technology makes it possible to survey and work underwater at depths up to 3,000 meters, increasing the visibility distance by a factor of three compared to the current cameras, in turbid waters. The cameras are designed for integration on ROVs, AUVs and professional diver’s helmet. The technology has been successfully applied internationally to offshore inspections such as dams, wind farms, Oil&Gas, aquaculture…

ORPHIECAM_300 is designed to excel in extreme environments down to 300m. It is suitable for a wide range of applications: inspect shipwrecks, marine infrastructures, supervise aquaculture farms, and undertake scientific research with exceptional visual clarity. This camera offers real-time video streaming with minimal latency and low bandwidth.

The ORPHIECAM_3000 is designed to be mounted on ROVs for deepsea applications down to 3,000m. This camera stands out in challenging deepwater environments such as inspecting pipeline, Oil&Gas, deepsea mining by offering unrivalled visibility. It offers a real-time video stream with minimal latency and reduced bandwidth.

The ORPHIESCAPH is specially designed to meet the needs of professional’s divers, accompanying them on all their missions. This solution offers a compact camera, integrating the Orphie technology, to accomplish boat hull inspection, survey of engineering structures…

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Jules GUILLIENSales director
28-30 rue Jean Perrin – 33608 PESSAC CEDEX – FRANCE

E-mail :
Tél. : +(33)(0) 557 266 900 – +33 (0) 6 83 81 94 59



Booth N371

#Subseainspection #underwaterphotogrammetry #subseametrology #subseasolution #underwatercameras

about us :

IVM Technologies, a leader since 2020, specializes in the Hydro range of underwater photogrammetry, revolutionizing subsea inspections.
Their cutting-edge 3D modeling enhances data accuracy, efficiency, and cost savings compared to conventional methods. The HYDRO range, evolved from ORUS 3D, offers versatility with different depth ratings, catering to various industries from Oil & Gas to Defense. IVM contributes to optimizing resources and improving operational efficiency for its customers.

Their personalized solutions and collaborative approach make them a preferred partner for ambitious projects. IVM embodies innovation and excellence, constantly pushing boundaries in subsea 3D inspection, ensuring success in demanding endeavors.

HYDRO 100 – 3D inspection solution for compact ROVs

With inland waters inspection jobs conducted by mini ROVs in mind, this product was designed to answer the demand for a stereo-photogrammetry kit that is light, compact, easy to integrate, powered from the onboard batteries and working through regular ethernet connection all at the same time.

HYDRO 3000

A cost-effective, precalibrated IVM Series solution for deep-water 3D inspections. Works independently of navigation aids, thanks to integrated lighting. Versatile for various environments, including high turbidity waters. Ideal for multi-industry inspections and can be used with Inspection to Work Class ROVs.


A real time 3D modeling solution that will help you optimize every single survey; and because real life surveys do not happen in crystal clear waters, we made sure the IVM SLAM solution performs in very bad visibility.

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Impasse Paradou Bat 1 Hall A, 13009 Marseille

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 74 64 83 10



Booth N251

#underwateracoustics #maritimedata #maritimeAPIs #metoceananalysis #offshoreplanning #weatherdowntime

about us :

Sinay helps maritime corporates to conciliate business efficiency with ocean sustainability.
We have developed the Sinay Hub, a unique software that gathers and analyzes maritime data with Artificial Intelligence (AI). We can plug any type of IoT sensors, data sources and even deploy data collection network at sea. We provide environmental and logistic predictions to offshore construction and supply chain stakeholders. 
Our software and APIs monitor:
– metocean data to plan and manage the offshore operation,
– environmental data such as Air, Water and Underwater noise to prevent pollution events and predict the impact on biodiversity
– logistic related data to predict ship arrival ship arrival time to a port and port congestion. 
Using our solutions, maritime companies drastically reduce their time and cost for searching the right information and increase their operation efficiency as well as reducing their impact on ocean biodiversity.
We love Ocean, Data and Business. We connect them.

Metocean Analytics by Sinay

Metocean Analytics by Sinay gathers and monitors metocean data for each phase of your offshore project.

Metocean Analytics by Sinay gathers and monitors metocean data for each phase of your offshore project.

Underwater Acoustics

A full package for real-time underwater acoustics monitoring. Sinay tackles the noise issues and provides a large set of professional services for real-time underwater acoustics monitoring with specific equipment resources (hydrophones, deterrent devices, buoys…) and a team of experts in marine mammals and underwater acoustics (PAM certification).

Sinay Maritime APIs Directory

A Hub of APIs for Ocean Freight to Enhance Efficiency and Sustainability. Whether the solution is targeted at freight forwarders, shipping lines or port-side operations, Sinay APIs can help deliver more value to the clients by resolving key market pain-points and enhance decision-making.  

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Thierry DUCELLIERHead of Sales
14 rue Alfred Kastler, 14000, Caen, France

E-mail :
Site web :
Tél. : +33 (0)2 50 01 15 50 – +33 (0)7 64 50 15 51

MAPPEM Geophysics

MAPPEM Geophysics

Booth N351

#marine #electromagnetic #resistivity #subsurface #environmentalimpact #siteinvestigation

about us :

MAPPEM Geophysics offers a unique perspective into the marine subsurface and environment using tailor-made electromagnetic instruments and expertise forged along the coast of Brittany, France. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with new insights, whether that be geophysical imaging (e.g., lithology, porosity, heterogeneities, beneath acoustic marks), detecting buried objects and hazards (e.g., ferrous and non-ferrous UXO, boulders), or measuring ambient electromagnetic fields (e.g., environmental impact assessment, geothermal).
Talk with us to discover how MAPPEM’s specialised marine electromagnetic systems can deliver greater knowledge about your marine subsurface or environmental challenge.

Geophysical imaging with Marine Electrical Resistivity Tomography (MERT). MAPPEM’s system introduces an electric current into the subsurface and receivers measure its response (i.e., resistivity). The resultant subsurface models can characterise lithology, porosity, geometry, nature, and beneath acoustic marks.

Detection and localisation of buried objects, hazards, and obstructions with electromagnetics. MAPPEM’s 3D system (MAPPEM-3D) introduces an electric current into the subsurface and dedicated data processing can determine the presence of objects. The results can be used to detect and locate boulders, archaeology, cables, ferrous and non-ferrous UXO.

MAPPEM’s highly sensitive systems can measure the ambient electromagnetic fields in the marine environment. When coupled with habitat maps, the measurements can help assess the potential environmental impact of offshore infrastructure (e.g., cables, substations). The systems can also be used to map geothermal plays and for defence purposes.

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Andrew WELLERBusiness Development Manager
1 Rue des Ateliers, 29290 Saint-Renan, France

E-mail :
Site web :
Tél. : +33 (0)2 98 03 23 95 – +33 (0)6 38 34 64 14