Booth N201
#ocean #science #technology #data #blue_economy #deep_ocean
about us :
A pioneer in ocean science, IFREMER’s cutting-edge research is grounded in sustainable development and open science. Our vision is to advance science, expertise and innovation to:
Protect and restore the ocean
Sustainably use marine resources to benefit society
Create and share ocean data, information & knowledge.
With more than 1,500 personnel spread along the French coastline in more than 20 sites, the Institute explores the 3 great oceans: the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. A leader in ocean science, IFREMER is managing the French Oceanographic Fleet.
Well-established in the international scientific community, our scientists, engineers and technicians are committed to advance knowledge about our planet’s last unexplored frontiers. They provide the science we need for informed decision-making and public policy and they transfer this knowledge and technology to businesses to fulfill public and private needs. Core to our mission is also to strengthen public awareness about the importance of understanding the ocean and its resources, and empowering future generations of leaders through education and outreach national campaigns.
Founded in 1984, IFREMER is a French public organization and its budget approximates 240 million euros. It is operating under the joint authority of the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, the French Ministry for the Ecological Transition, the French Ministry of Agriculture and the French State Secretary for the Sea.

The French Oceanographic Fleet
The French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) operated by IFREMER is the 1st unified national fleet in Europe and the 5th largest oceanographic fleet worldwide. The principal missions of the FOF :
- Study all the world’s seas, up to 6,000 meters in depth ;
- Observe and monitors the ocean to support public policies ;
- Build partnerships with the socio-economic world.
The FOF manages projects for the evolution and modernization of vessels, underwater systems and scientific equipment, from the first preliminary projects through to final commissioning. It provides campaigns with expertise in implementing experimental equipment or functionalities, or in adapting systems to specific needs.
The FOF develops, maintains and distributes various software : real-time software tools dedicated to the acquisition and visualization of data acquired at sea by ships and underwater veihicles, non-real-time software tools required for the post-processing of data.
Looking for a vessel ? Please visit : https://www.flotteoceanographique.fr/en/Facilities/Vessels-Deep-water-submersible-vehicles-and-Mobile-equipments

Support for business development
Ifremer offers specific support for start-ups. 3 actions are possible :
- equity investment via the Blue Oceans investment fund,
- direct equity investment by Ifremer in the company’s capital,
- the Octo’pousse competition, through which the project leader is integrated into an Ifremer research team.
The Octo’pousse competition is open to ocean-related project leaders wishing to set up a business. Winners receive support from a scientific and technical organization, a work contract, a financial contribution and access to the scientific partner’s infrastructure and resources.
Our teams present at OI will be on hand to present the activities of a selection of start-ups, many of which emerged from the Octo’pousse competition, and all of which are supported by Ifremer’s technical and scientific teams.
The fields of application selected for the event include:
- mapping the ocean floor using swarms of underwater micro-UAVs by photogrammetric processing: a 3D digital reconstruction technique for images acquired by micro-UAVs,
- underwater communication device integrated into a regulator mouthpiece, embedding its technologies and directly adaptable to scuba diving regulators,
- weather analysis and maritime routing tools for the transport of high-risk goods, racing yachts, super yachts or pleasure craft, using artificial intelligence to improve the quality of the analysis and routing provided,
- environmental data acquisition through participatory science.

Our R&D Partnership / Technology Transfer activity
To support the development of a sustainable blue water economy, Ifremer assists companies and project leaders in the development of their solutions. To this end, Ifremer collaborates with companies of all sizes that develop and market ocean tech products and services to meet societal and environmental challenges. These R&D partnerships can take many forms: research contracts, service provision, technology transfer…
These partnerships can lead to industrial chairs or joint laboratories.
Ifremer is developing a policy of transferring research results based on families of patents, software, prototypes and technical or service platforms.
In this spirit of transferring research to companies, Ifremer is a stakeholder in the Carnot Institute MERS (https://carnot-mers.com/), which provide it with the means to develop its industrial contracting policy and replenish its fundamental research.
Supported by collaboration between Ifremer and Centrale Nantes and associated with the Universities of Nantes, Bretagne Ouest and Bretagne Sud and the CNRS, the Carnot Institute MERs aims to drive the sustainable, safe and smart development of maritime activities.
Carnot Institute MERs involves 13 research units and laboratories leading research and innovation in both upstream (studies, construction and maintenance) and downstream (operating, decommissioning) projects in five fields of the maritime sector:
- Shipbuilding,
- offshore,
- marine renewable energy,
- fishing, aquaculture and seafood products,
- the nautical industry.


IFREMER, Centre Bretagne, ZI de la Pointe du Diable, CS 10070, 29280 Plouzané, France
E-mail : dpo@ifremer.fr
Tél. : 02 98 22 40 40 – 02 98 22 42 11 –