Booth M350

#Swarms #Underwater #Exploration #Positioning #AUV #Collaboration 

about us :

Since 2009, Arkeocean delivers innovative unmanned and completely autonomous solutions to navigate and study the depths of the ocean. We are convinced that swarms of micro-AUVs have the potential to solve the major challenges faced by our customers below-water, and that they are the present, and future, of underwater exploration. We use our state-of-the-art electronic and acoustic equipment, derived from sonar military technology, to deliver pioneering and affordable exploration solutions to guarantee your mission’s success.  

PRODUCT LAUNCH: This year, we are launching a new solution that enables you to locate any mobile such as a Remote Operating Vehicle (ROV) or Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and precisely know their depth, direction, and distance relative to a chosen point of interest with the option to guide themselves back. Visit us at the show to find out more.  

Swarms are not science-fiction, they are a reality in operation today. We deliver different types of swarm systems comprised of neutrally buoyant micro-AUVs which can patrol for days in a designated area and heavy AUVs deployed on the seafloor at fixed positions that stay operational for months at a time. Our affordable technology and disruptive innovation enables us to scale our offering and deliver affordable swarm systems for underwater exploration – available today.  


Sebastien MANIGOTSales Manager
Arkeocean, 138 rue Alain Gerbault, 56000 Vannes, France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 06 51 16 07 06  



Booth K600

#AUVUUV #underwateracousticrecorder #monitoringbuoy #PAMrealtimepassiveacousticmonitoring #seabedmappingsonarinspection #waterqualitymonitoring

about us :

Specializing in underwater acoustics and autonomous vehicles, RTsys designs and manufactures innovative solutions for civil, science and defence applications. Part of Sea Vorian group, which has more than 20 years of experience in supplying equipment for maritime and naval industries, RTsys is now recognized as a world leader in the following sectors:
• PAM: acoustic recorders and acoustic buoys for Passive Acoustic Monitoring
• AUV: compact Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for inspection, offshore survey and oceanology
• ASW: Anti-Submarine Warfare recoverable training solutions
• MCM: Manned-Unmanned teaming ecosystem for Mine Countermeasures

RUBHY is a Wi-Fi remotely-controlled buoy offering a range of applications in the field of underwater noise measurements. It acquires data from 4 wide-band hydrophones and simultaneously sends and displays real-time noise information such as SEL, SPL and 3rd octave band levels within a 10 km range.

RESEA is a 4-input underwater acoustic recorder designed to enable PAM operators, Marine Mammal Observers (MMO) and Protected Species Observers (PSO) to implement powerful post-processing monitoring (up to 500 kHz bandwidth; over a 100 dB dynamic range).

NemoSens is a small, lightweight micro AUV perfect for scientists and offshore companies in search of a modular ally. Easy to deploy at any time, payloads are simple to add while users can take full ownership of NemoSens thanks to its open Linux architecture. NemoSens offers long-lasting endurance (over 8 hours at 4 knots) and is easy to recover.


Pierre-Alexandre CAUXBusiness Director
ZA de Kerloïc – Rue Jean-Noël Jégo – 56850 CAUDAN

E-mail :
Tél. : + 33 297 898 580 – +33 783 207 247