Campus mondial de la mer

Campus mondial de la mer

Booth M250

safety #security #ireland #maritime #conference #workshop

about us :

The Campus mondial de la mer has two objectives:
Promote acculturation between research and business, with the ambition of creating more value: a better understanding of the Ocean, more business creation, more innovative projects and therefore more maritime jobs. To this end, the Campus mondial de la mer is networking the players in the Finistère region. The Rencontres Immersion, organized 3 times a year, for example, create links between researchers and entrepreneurs on specific subjects: metrology and marine sciences, biomimicry, naval engineering, mechanical testing…
Highlight the expertise of its community members in France and abroad, to build bridges with other maritime regions. This is achieved by organizing international events such as Sea Tech Week®, by deploying Ocean Hackathon® in 13 cities in France and abroad in 2023, by making sea-related research infrastructures and facilities accessible to our international partners, and by promoting expertise through our international magazine SONAR, published every two years. Brest’s hosting of the One Ocean Summit in February 2022, followed by the European Maritime Days in May 2023, are further proof of Brest’s international standing.

Sea Tech Week® is the international event for the Campus Mondial de la mer. Supported for the 3rd time by Technopôle Brest-Iroise, the event will be held from October 15 to 17, 2024 at Le Quartz Convention Center. For this new edition, the central theme is safety and security, with Ireland featured country. Conference, high-level sessions, exhibitors, job dating are on the program.

Portal of marine research infrastructures and facilities To access the marine tools and expertise to encourage end-user innovation!
• Discover the services offered by public institutions and compagnies covering all fields of marine science technology
• Boost your research and R&D projects by developing news research collaborations and business relationships, contact the technical referents
• Discover a community involved in European and international strategies for marine research infrastructures

Ocean Hackathon®

Ocean Hackathon® is a non-stop, 48-hour event during which teams develop a prototype and reflect on its use. This must be based on marine data. A call for challenges is launched a few months before the event to identify projects on which the teams will compete in each of the participating towns and cities. The event weekend culminates in the selection of the top team, who will compete at the Grand Finale in Brest, France in December 2023 and could win one of the prizes donated by our Ocean Hackathon® Ambassadors.


Emmanuelle DILASSERProject coordinator
525 Avenue Alexis de Rochon

E-mail :
Tél. : +336 50 89 23 52



Booth N251

#survey #hydrography #bathymetry #UXO #salvage #sidescansonar

about us :

Ceres is a company specializing in hydrography, offering professional services. Founded 30yrs ago with a commitment to excellence, Ceres has emerged as a major player in the field of hydrographic mapping & survey.
Ceres excels in conducting precise and comprehensive hydrographic surveys, using updated technologies to map the seabed, waterways, lakes, …
The company has in-depth expertise in utilizing sophisticated equipment, including multibeam sonars, magnetometers, ROV, etc .
Surveys: Ceres provides high-precision hydrographic surveys to support various industries, including maritime navigation & exploration, water resource management, and marine renewable energies.
The company creates detailed maps of the seafloor and inland water, providing crucial information for navigation, ecosystem management, and unexploded ordnance research.
Ceres conducts 3D underwater inspections with MBES & ROV to assess the condition of submerged structures such as docks, bridges, and pipelines, offering essential data for maintenance and informed decision-making.
Ceres is committed by insurers, P&I clubs but also marine authorities to delivering the highest quality survey after then sinking of any vessel, aircraft, in any underwater environment.
Ceres’ diverse clientele includes government agencies, justice, insurers, P&I clubs, environmental firms, maritime industry enterprises, and of course marine renewable energies.

Surveys: Ceres provides high-precision hydrographic surveys to support various industries, including maritime navigation & exploration, water resource management, and marine renewable energies.
Mapping & UXO: The company creates detailed maps of the seafloor and inland water, providing crucial information for navigation, ecosystem management, and unexploded ordnance research, identification and investigations

Underwater Inspections: Ceres conducts 3D underwater inspections with MBES & ROV to assess the condition of submerged structures such as docks, bridges, and pipelines, offering essential data for maintenance and informed decision-making.

Salvage and survey: Ceres is committed by insurers, P&I clubs but also marine authorities to delivering the highest quality survey after then sinking of any vessel, aircraft , in ocean, seas, lakes and rivers.


Marie SCIBOZChief Executive Officer
CERES – 29 la madeleine – 50760 Montfarville

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 233 540 711 – +33 761 369 912

PYTHEAS Technology

PYTHEAS Technology

Booth M210

#underwateracoustics #sonar #transducers #hydrophones #array

about us :

With more than 40 years of experience in the design and manufacture of transducers, hydrophones and arrays for Underwater Acoustics, PYTHEAS Technology has unique expertise ranging from low-frequency projectors to HF sonar arrays, including wideband hydrophones and transducers for acoustic communication.
This know-how and these unique technologies address a large number of applications for underwater acoustics, including:
Imaging sonar for hydrography and geosciences
Underwater acoustic communication systems
Transceiver for marine robotics
Sonar system for renewable marine energies
Low-frequency coherent source for seismic or defense.
PYTHEAS Technology supports you throughout your project, from specification of the need for the sonar chain to development and characterization, and then to serial production.
PYTHEAS Technology can provide its partners with extensive experience in complex underwater acoustic systems and a unique technology portfolio to contribute to the development of the best systems on the market. From writing the specification to system development, characterization and serial production, PYTHEAS Technology supports you throughout the life of your product.

Co-development of your SONAR solution:

PYTHEAS Technology has extensive experience in the design of sonar systems and components (transducers, antennas and hydrophones). From writing the specification to system development, characterization and serial production, PYTHEAS Technology supports you throughout the life of your product.

Autonomous Platform Sonar Payload:

Maritime drones (USV and AUV) require new sonar payloads, more efficient, better integrated and more efficient. At PYTHEAS Technology we specialize in the design of sonar payloads suitable for integration on autonomous platforms

Very low-frequency transducers :

PYTHEAS Technology has unique know-how and technologies for very low-frequency underwater acoustic sources. Based on the solid state technology of Janus Helmholtz, these sources offer at the same time: very wide bandwidth (>100%), very good electroacoustic efficiency and full-depth capability.


390 avenue des rosiers – 13600 La Ciotat

E-mail :
Tél. : 07 64 74 58 55 – 06 50 39 46 66



Booth N251

#underwateracoustics #maritimedata #maritimeAPIs #metoceananalysis #offshoreplanning #weatherdowntime

about us :

Sinay helps maritime corporates to conciliate business efficiency with ocean sustainability.
We have developed the Sinay Hub, a unique software that gathers and analyzes maritime data with Artificial Intelligence (AI). We can plug any type of IoT sensors, data sources and even deploy data collection network at sea. We provide environmental and logistic predictions to offshore construction and supply chain stakeholders. 
Our software and APIs monitor:
– metocean data to plan and manage the offshore operation,
– environmental data such as Air, Water and Underwater noise to prevent pollution events and predict the impact on biodiversity
– logistic related data to predict ship arrival ship arrival time to a port and port congestion. 
Using our solutions, maritime companies drastically reduce their time and cost for searching the right information and increase their operation efficiency as well as reducing their impact on ocean biodiversity.
We love Ocean, Data and Business. We connect them.

Metocean Analytics by Sinay

Metocean Analytics by Sinay gathers and monitors metocean data for each phase of your offshore project.

Metocean Analytics by Sinay gathers and monitors metocean data for each phase of your offshore project.

Underwater Acoustics

A full package for real-time underwater acoustics monitoring. Sinay tackles the noise issues and provides a large set of professional services for real-time underwater acoustics monitoring with specific equipment resources (hydrophones, deterrent devices, buoys…) and a team of experts in marine mammals and underwater acoustics (PAM certification).

Sinay Maritime APIs Directory

A Hub of APIs for Ocean Freight to Enhance Efficiency and Sustainability. Whether the solution is targeted at freight forwarders, shipping lines or port-side operations, Sinay APIs can help deliver more value to the clients by resolving key market pain-points and enhance decision-making.  

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Thierry DUCELLIERHead of Sales
14 rue Alfred Kastler, 14000, Caen, France

E-mail :
Site web :
Tél. : +33 (0)2 50 01 15 50 – +33 (0)7 64 50 15 51