Booth M210
#underwateracoustics #sonar #transducers #hydrophones #array
about us :
With more than 40 years of experience in the design and manufacture of transducers, hydrophones and arrays for Underwater Acoustics, PYTHEAS Technology has unique expertise ranging from low-frequency projectors to HF sonar arrays, including wideband hydrophones and transducers for acoustic communication.
This know-how and these unique technologies address a large number of applications for underwater acoustics, including:
Imaging sonar for hydrography and geosciences
Underwater acoustic communication systems
Transceiver for marine robotics
Sonar system for renewable marine energies
Low-frequency coherent source for seismic or defense.
PYTHEAS Technology supports you throughout your project, from specification of the need for the sonar chain to development and characterization, and then to serial production.
PYTHEAS Technology can provide its partners with extensive experience in complex underwater acoustic systems and a unique technology portfolio to contribute to the development of the best systems on the market. From writing the specification to system development, characterization and serial production, PYTHEAS Technology supports you throughout the life of your product.
Co-development of your SONAR solution:
PYTHEAS Technology has extensive experience in the design of sonar systems and components (transducers, antennas and hydrophones). From writing the specification to system development, characterization and serial production, PYTHEAS Technology supports you throughout the life of your product.
Autonomous Platform Sonar Payload:
Maritime drones (USV and AUV) require new sonar payloads, more efficient, better integrated and more efficient. At PYTHEAS Technology we specialize in the design of sonar payloads suitable for integration on autonomous platforms
Very low-frequency transducers :
PYTHEAS Technology has unique know-how and technologies for very low-frequency underwater acoustic sources. Based on the solid state technology of Janus Helmholtz, these sources offer at the same time: very wide bandwidth (>100%), very good electroacoustic efficiency and full-depth capability.
390 avenue des rosiers – 13600 La Ciotat
E-mail :
Tél. : 07 64 74 58 55 – 06 50 39 46 66