Booth S25157I

#CarbonFibre #AramidFiber #CfGranulates #CfPellets #LightWeighting #Conductivity

about us :

Apply Carbon SAS / Procotex Corporation SA, is a Belgian company group with factories in Lithuania, Turkey, Belgium and France.
Apply Carbon SAS / Procotex is specialized in the milling or cutting of Carbon leftovers lots (sized or un-sized) and aramids. We truly supply “The Sustainable Carbon Fiber”. Milling (60-300µ), chopped 6mm sized (PU/PA/Epoxy…) and un-sized, granulates. Especially for compounds we supply a large range of sized carbon & aramid granulates. For electrical conductivity we offer a range of low cost standard and intermediate modulus carbon fiber granulates, all available in large quantities. For wear resistance and metal replacement compounds we offer a range of para-aramid granulates with different sizings.
Apply Carbon SAS / Procotex is proud to announce the investment in a new “state of the art” 15,600m2 manufacturing facility for recycled carbon fiber, this due to a strong growth in CFr sales and the acquisition of the assets of ELG Carbon Fiber UK Ltd. All manufacturing will be centralized at the new plant in Plouay, Brittany France. A recent study confirmed the low C02 or Carbon Emission Footprint of our carbon fiber recycling plant confirming that our carbon fiber is “The Sustainable Carbon Fiber”. Please contact us for further information.

Standard or Intermediate Modulus Carbon Fiber Granulate:

Apply Carbon can offer a range of easy dosable 300 microns carbon fiber granulates which offer great mechanical reinforcement, tribology and a high electrical conductivity. These low cost carbon fiber granulates are available in large volumes and are suitable for high volume automotive projects and come with different sizing types in order to enhance adhesion with the matrix

Para-Aramid Granulate :

Apply Carbon can offer a range of easy dosable 1mm para-aramid granulates which offer great mechanical reinforcement, wear resistance, tribology and lubrification. Ideal for metal replacement compouds.

 Carbiso P Carbon Fiber Pellets :

Apply Carbon can offer a range of easy dosable 6 & 4mm carbon fiber pellets which offer great mechanical reinforcement, tribology and a high electrical conductivity. These low cost carbon fiber bird seed type pellets are available in large volumes and are suitable for high volume automotive projects and come with different sizing types in order to enhance adhesion with the matrix.


Dieter HENAUSales Manager – R & D
E-mail :
Tél. : : +33 2 97 65 10 89 – + 32 56 48 38 88 – +32 475 41 64 40

19 Rue Brito, 56240 Plouay, France

Website :



Booth S25157P

##celduc #SolidStateRelays #SSR #sensors

about us :

celduc® inc is the North American subsidiary of celduc® relais, an innovative manufacturer of Solid State Relays, Magnetic Sensors, Reed Relays and Switches. With a highly automated factory, located near Lyon in France, and our network of Sales Representatives and Distributors we can support your requirements in North America.
Since 1964 Celduc has been focused on manufacturing high-reliability switching and sensing devices. Our expertise in the development and production of Solid State Relays, Magnetic Sensors, Reed Relays and Switches for industrial applications has given us access to major markets around the world. If our large selection of standard products does not meet your needs, we can discuss our custom solutions to help you optimize your design.
Solid State Relays are ideal for use in plastic injection molding machines.
celduc’s SSRs are known for their high reliability and long electrical life, making them ideal as heating element control in extrusion and injection equipment for plastics. Limiting machine breakdowns and maintenance offers long term savings in cost of ownership : once installed, the devices remain operational almost indefinitely.
celduc® relais also supplies magnetic proximity sensors to manufacturers of plastic processing equipment. Safety magnetic proximity sensors ensure operator safety and maximize the operating reliability of your equipment.

celduc Solid State Relays are widely used across the plastic industry because of their ability to function in harsh environments (dust, shocks and vibrations). Fully electronic, SSRs have no mechanical moving parts, so they have a longer service life compared to EMRs (ElectroMechanical Relays). In addition, their semiconductor based design makes them environmentally safe.

Magnetic sensors are a proven and popular choice for many types of applications. They are often used to monitor the open or closed status of doors, gates, … and more in security applications. Basically, magnetic proximity sensors are a first class solution for any application where there is a need to monitor the position of a moving surface.


Gil BATTISTINGeneral Manager
E-mail :
Tél. : 312-420-0519 – 516-769-4025

434 E Main Street, #429 – Centerport NY 11721 -USA

Website :