
Somno Engineering

Who we are ?

In France, intensive care units treat 800,000 patients a year. 90% of patients in intensive care complain of poor sleep. No treatment or care can be implemented without information on the patient’s state of sleep. Somno has therefore designed a mini-sleep recorder and analyser for intensive care patients, with real-time information for carers. The device makes it possible to observe, improve and adapt sleep treatments for intensive care patients. This project is the fruit of a meeting between a researcher and sleep doctor, Pr Xavier Drouot and an entrepreneur, Maud de la Belleissue. The solution provides sleep management and adapted care.

The aim is to :

  • Improve patient recovery
  • Reduce mortality
  • Reduce length of stay
Key information

–  Digital Health

–  Based in Poitiers

– 1-5 employees

– Created in 2021