Booth H1.E26

#Loadbank #Loadtesting #Generator #Datacenter #NER #STATCOM

about us :

Metal Deploye Resistor is the world’s leading manufacturer of power resistors. Its products are designed & manufactured in France. We are known for our robustness and flexibility.

Since 1938, we have been installing thousands of standard and custom-made power resistors around the world from watt to megawatt for all voltages, all powers and for all types of applications.

–          NERs
–          SVCs & STATCOMs
–          Harmonic filter resistors
–          Loadbanks (standard and customized)
–          Containerized Loadbank
–          Rackable Loadbank (AC and DC voltage)

We contribute to secure your electrical installations (HVDC, grid, substations, datacenter, powerplant) thanks to our dedicated standard range of products or customized. We manufacture our own resistive elements with our patented technology Gridex.

Our products are trusted by the biggest companies in the world and suitable to meet the more challenging environment from C1 to C5 or CX.
We are able to follow all standard as ASTM, IEC, IEEE32 or C57,32, etc…
We are approved by the main EPCs and O&G companies like :

–          ETIHAD
–          SEWA
–          Kahramaa
–          ADNOC
–          TRANSCO

Our load banks are used for regular test, performance measure and load simulation of your energy productions systems (generators, alternators, inverters, batteries, UPS) to ensure their proper functioning and reduce breakdowns

Customer: EDF – France

Product: 16 containers 40ft 4.5MW @ 6.6kV on trailer

Project: nuclear power plant – Post Fukushima

New range of standard load banks: LARA by Metal Deploye Resistor

This range of products is available from 100kW/kVA to 6MW/MVA with adjustable power factor. This includes the capability to test the generator set fully at 100% kVA rating. Those products are fully compliant with datacenter market requirements

Neutral Earting Resistors are approved by the main utilities and O&G companies :





From IP00 to IP65 – Integration of CTs, Switch, relays, Vacuum Contactors, etc…

MDR is also one of the leader in FACTS (SVC/STATCOM) equipments in the world.

Our design can sustain between 0 to 58 mph wind speed

– TRANSCO approved


Salim SAHLIExport Sales Manager
1 route de Semur, 21500 Montbard, France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 02 44 78 19