Booth H1.D23
#AltitudeFormation #Emirats #Safety #Traning #RopeAccess #ProtectWorkers
about us :
Altitude formation is a FRENCH compagny founder in 1996 .
We have 9 traing centers in France and train 20 000 trainees every year.
We are the leader in this field.
Our vocation is to train workers to avoid falls from height .
Falls from height is the firt cause of serious accident .
Falls are due to improper use of equiment and unawareness of danger.
That’s why our training courses are both theoretical and , above all , pratical.
We show the right gestures and best practices to avoid falls .
Our trainers are specialists in working at eights and know to give you the skills you need to work safely.
Our training courses last from 1 to 4 days for a group of 6 to 10 perople.
We have spécific programs :
Work on the roof
Work on telecom pylone
Work on electric pylone
Work on catenaire
Work on ladder
Ropes acces
Scaffolding and rollin scaffolding
Etc ….
We issue a certificate at the end of the course
Individuals using safety harnesses on flat roofs or slopes. Risk analysis, procedures by roof type, equipment inspection and use. Fixed and temporary anchors, fall arrest systems, lanyards, harnesses, lifelines…
Safely access and work on roofs, terraces, and slopes using personal fall protection. Creation of temporary lifelines with ropes or straps, movement with mobile fall arrest systems and double lanyards, hoisting techniques for lifting loads, installation and securing of mobile access ladders.
Presentation and use of various fall arrest systems on rails and cables.
Climbing, intervention inside and outside the structure. Lifting loads…
Secure movement and workplace on telecom towers, roofs, slopes & water towers, using personal protective equipment against falls.
Regulations for working at height, inspection, setup, and adjustment of PPE. On our towers and roofs: climbing on ladders equipped with Söll and Cabloc anchorage supports, use of double lanyards for work restraint, creation of temporary lifelines with ropes, introduction to hoisting techniques for antenna lifting.
Update and refresh knowledge on rope work, technical advancements in equipment, and rescue techniques. Master basic rope work skills. Regulations for working at height. Rope progression: ascent, descent, rope change. Rope equipment: knot tying, temporary anchorage creation. Evacuation of a suspended person on ropes.
9 rue du moucherotte 38 360 Sassenage – France
E-mail :
Tél. : + 33 689 944 676