Auteur/autrice : fanny.roux
Business France
Booth H1.D22
#International #Business
#Export #Industries #Invest
about us :
Business France is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating international investment in France.
It promotes France’s companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and also runs the V.I.E international internship program.
Founded on January 1, 2015 through a merger between UBIFRANCE and the Invest in France Agency, Business France has 1,500 personnel, both in France and in 70 countries throughout the world, who work with a network of public- and private-sector partners.
Business France : l’internationalisation de la France – Business France
Welcome to France : tous les conseils pour vous installer en France
Booth H1.D23
#AltitudeFormation #Emirats #Safety #Traning #RopeAccess #ProtectWorkers
about us :
Altitude formation is a FRENCH compagny founder in 1996 .
We have 9 traing centers in France and train 20 000 trainees every year.
We are the leader in this field.
Our vocation is to train workers to avoid falls from height .
Falls from height is the firt cause of serious accident .
Falls are due to improper use of equiment and unawareness of danger.
That’s why our training courses are both theoretical and , above all , pratical.
We show the right gestures and best practices to avoid falls .
Our trainers are specialists in working at eights and know to give you the skills you need to work safely.
Our training courses last from 1 to 4 days for a group of 6 to 10 perople.
We have spécific programs :
Work on the roof
Work on telecom pylone
Work on electric pylone
Work on catenaire
Work on ladder
Ropes acces
Scaffolding and rollin scaffolding
Etc ….
We issue a certificate at the end of the course
Individuals using safety harnesses on flat roofs or slopes. Risk analysis, procedures by roof type, equipment inspection and use. Fixed and temporary anchors, fall arrest systems, lanyards, harnesses, lifelines…
Safely access and work on roofs, terraces, and slopes using personal fall protection. Creation of temporary lifelines with ropes or straps, movement with mobile fall arrest systems and double lanyards, hoisting techniques for lifting loads, installation and securing of mobile access ladders.
Presentation and use of various fall arrest systems on rails and cables.
Climbing, intervention inside and outside the structure. Lifting loads…
Secure movement and workplace on telecom towers, roofs, slopes & water towers, using personal protective equipment against falls.
Regulations for working at height, inspection, setup, and adjustment of PPE. On our towers and roofs: climbing on ladders equipped with Söll and Cabloc anchorage supports, use of double lanyards for work restraint, creation of temporary lifelines with ropes, introduction to hoisting techniques for antenna lifting.
Update and refresh knowledge on rope work, technical advancements in equipment, and rescue techniques. Master basic rope work skills. Regulations for working at height. Rope progression: ascent, descent, rope change. Rope equipment: knot tying, temporary anchorage creation. Evacuation of a suspended person on ropes.
9 rue du moucherotte 38 360 Sassenage – France
E-mail :
Tél. : + 33 689 944 676
Booth H1.D23
#hydrogen #engine #genset #generator #motor #energy
about us :
At EHM, we design and produce high-performance hydrogen combustion engines. With our ecosystem, we advance our offering to provide an integrated hydrogen solution that encompasses the entire energy lifecycle, including the generation of hydrogen, the management of its distribution network, and the sophisticated motorization that powers our clients’ operations.
This integrated chain ensures a smooth, efficient, and above all, environmentally friendly energy transition. Our engines, with performance exceeding current thermal technologies, seamlessly integrate into this forward-looking vision.
Our 50kW-265kW hydrogen combustion engines are a leap in eco-friendly power. Compact, efficient, and robust, they offer versatile solutions for various applications, embodying sustainability without compromising performance.
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)6 07 37 21 60
Booth H1.E14
#Automation #Mechatronics #Atex #Motors #Switches&Sensors #ControlRelays
about us :
Crouzet is an independent company manufacturing mechatronic components for demanding applications in Energy, Building, Machinery, Aerospace & Transportation. Crouzet provides Switches & Sensors, Automation Controllers & Relays, Motors, and Electrical Control & Protection Equipment. Since 1921, Crouzet has a heritage of close collaboration with customers in the development of products, from standard components to fully customized solutions. Crouzet’s customers and partners can rely on our teams worldwide to always meet and often exceed their expectations. Driven by innovation, our experts are focused on designing and delivering the right product for the right application. Crouzet is your trusted partner of choice to face the industrial challenges of today and tomorrow.
65+ years designing & manufacturing snap-action technologies. Our Switches & Sensors line offers an extensive choice of standard or customized Classic, Miniature, Subminiature and Sub-subminiature microswitches, specialty limit switches available in metal and plastic cases, dedicated to mission critical applications and for severe environments.
Crouzet offers a solid base of durable, reliable, and robust DC brush and brushless motors including a large number of combinations with gearboxes, brakes, and encoders. We specialize in developing tailor-made motion solutions for your most specific applications.
The Automation & Control product lines offer timers, monitoring relays and counters, which makes it easy to control the operation of industrial equipment. Our logic controllers and nano-PLCs automate larger jobs, offering the easiest to use function block programming and the ability to communicate remotely with your equipment.
Adress : Crouzet Maroc – ZI – Lot n 16 – Sidi Maarouf – 20800-Casablanca – MAROC
E-mail :
Tél. : +212 5 20 48 03 40 / +212522424560 / +212661204770
Booth H1.E21
about us :
CHAUVIN ARNOUX designs, manufactures and commercializes a broad offering of portable and laboratory measuring instruments for use in the electrical and electronics sectors and for measuring physical quantities.
Chauvin Arnoux Middle East the 10th subsidiary of Chauvin Arnoux group, we manage the business of Chauvin Arnoux group in all Arabic countries in the Middle East.
CA8345 :
Class A Power quality analyzer
Voltage quality diagnostics
• Full compliance with IEC 61000-4-30 Class A
• Highly communicating instrument
• Qualistar range of easy-to-use products
•Internal GPS for precise UTC synchronization (NTP possible too)
Machine and electrical
switchboard testers
Tests according to the regulatory reference standards
– Automatic scripts & customizable visual inspections
– 3 kV / 5 kV dielectric testing, 50 GΩ insulation, 25 A continuity
– Direct, substitution, differential and touch leakage current
– RCD tests from 6 mA to 1 A
– Discharge time –
Automatic printing of Pass/Fail stickers
– Storage of up to 100,000 tests in memory
– PC software for analysis and report generation
CA6555/6550 : 10/15 KV Insulation testers
– Wide measurement range from 10 kΩ to 30 TΩ
– Fixed or programmable test voltage from 40 V to 10/15 kV
– 5 mA charging current
– Large backlit LCD screen with digital display,
-bargraph and R(t)+u(t) , i(t) and i(u) graphs
– Automatic calculation of DAR / PI / DD /ΔR (ppm/V) ratios
– Multiple test modes:
Voltage ramp and step with « burning »,
Early break
I-limit » modes
– Calculation of R at a reference temperature
– Storage of 80,000 measurements and Real-time Clock
Adress : PO Box 60-154, 1241 2020 Jal El Dib, Zalka 686 bldg
Zalka – Lebanon
E-mail :
Tél. : +961 1 890 425 – +961 3 342466
about us :
Michaud Export
Booth H1.D20
#PowerGrid #ElectricalEquipment #LowVoltage #DistributionNetwork # EnergyTransition
about us :
MICHAUD has been established 65 years ago and remains an independent family owned-company, which constantly innovates to support electricity development and distribution to everyone, worldwide.
MICHAUD is committed to the energy transition and the electricity distribution to everyone thanks to innovative, connected, simple and sustainable solutions, promoting electrical mobility, renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Partner of over 80 countries, Michaud has 100 protected innovations yearly, 6% turnover dedicated to R&D and 300 employees in 13 locations world-wide.
Michaud EXPORT, subsidiary dedicated to international markets, develops and sells solutions according to applicable standards thanks to its know-how as well as its relationships with local users.
We develop tomorrow’s solutions and guarantee quality and reliability of products thanks to a COFRAC and ASEFA accredited and independent test laboratory.
From underground to overhead networks, we offer to our customers reliable and high-performance systems, including solutions for the protection and earthing up to installation equipment. We are also developing solutions to simplify access to energy and secure electricity distribution from fraud.
As a technical and engineering partner, we are at your side to accompany you in your projects through training, technical assistance and the support of our local partners.
MICHAUD offers solutions to clean up connections by gathering them in Aerial Connection Boxes with an easy implementation, simple and secure. The Michaud Aerial Boxes reduce the technical losses and ease the maintenance. The benefits for the utilities are a shedding decrease, profitability enhance and a good quality of the Client’s service.
Decentralising supplies is the solution to provide access to electricity for rural area. We build turnkey project and scale the most appropriate solution adapting it to local environment with local players and optimized equipment finetuned to the project. We can analyze, size, supply and guarantee the end-over of the project.
The Smart Metering and Energy Management systems are the key to improve the grid efficiency and optimize the distribution networks and the energy consumption.
Thanks to our expertise and engineering, we offer solutions adapted to your projects and current installations in order to accompany you in the smart metering transition.
MICHAUD Export, 499 Rue du Revermont, 01440 Viriat, FRANCE
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)9 70 75 50 24 – +33 (0)6 15 79 61 49
Booth H1.E27
about us :
RS ISOLSEC is a leading partner of major OEMs and utilities worldwide striving to invest in accurate, durable solutions in metering and protection to address challenges of today and tomorrow, driving the changes towards smarter & reliable grid management.
In an environment where renewables, decentralized, interconnected grids will prevail, reliability and accuracy are the key to saving energy and monitoring energy production & supply, meeting an ever-expanding demand.
We at RS ISOLSEC are dealing with demanding applications where signal quality hits hard on components with variable loads, frequency fluctuations, transient currents, peak voltages, flooded areas, explosive environment. Renewables, Oil&Gas, Mining, submersible, … wherever expertise or alternative solutions are required, RS ISOLSEC will be at your side.
Ring types, Split-cores, outdoor CT’s & VT’s, Auxiliary power, with over 60years of experience from Nuclear Power Plants to windfarms, from city centre to oil rigs, our experts are at your disposal to meet your challenges.
Split-Core for retrofit. Faster and Safer installation of new metering or protection when revamping extended life installation, split-cores even outdoor, limiting errors and outage time.
Wind farms & rugged VT design
Renewables are taking a significant part of new integrations to grid. Which comes with issues of variable frequencies, voltages, intensity. Transformers of rugged design are required there, mainly VT’s. RS ISOLSEC investigates and develop ranges of enhanced resilience for a safer grid.
Auxiliary power VT – CPT
While power generation is decentralized, while climate is bringing more hazardous conditions on distribution grid, reclosers, interconnections, underground installations are expanding. Auxiliary power transformers of RS ISOLSEC are Submersible. Bringing power when and where most needed.
45 Avenue des Acacias, 45120 CEPOY, FRANCE
E-mail :
Tél. : + – + – +
Booth H1.E24
#trappedkey #safety #interlock #sentricsafetygroup #tki #safetyfirst
about us :
Sentric Safety Group unites the world’s leading brands, innovations, and experts to protect people in the workplace by mitigating risks caused by human error. It’s why all our businesses are 100% committed to creating uncompromising safety solutions with end users in mind.
Our group is made of three (3) product brands; KIRK KEY based in the US, CASTELL Safety based in the UK, STI (Serv Trayvou Interverrouillage) based in France. Together as a group we are able to support customers’ needs with standard products and solutions but also provide customized solutions to fit specific requirements. We serve the energy market (including LV/MV/HV equipment protection, renewable with specific solution in wind nacelles, tower, lifts, etc…).
We are not only here to manufacture and sell safety products, but also support customers during the design stage to develop together the best safety path and recommend the best suited solutions for their specific application.
Trapped key bolt and access interlocks are advanced safety systems that use a unique key-trapping mechanism. Keys are physically captured and can only be released in a specific sequence, following a predetermined order of operations. This enhances safety by preventing unauthorized access and safeguarding that equipment is used in a controlled manner.
The exchange box is designed to enable the release of keys by the insertion of one or more primary key(s). The need for this type of product usually arises when there are multiple points of entry. The unit will be the link between the isolation locks and the access products. The product is supplied in an enclosure suitable for surface mounting.
The electromechanical lock plate is an electrically controlled isolation lock to be mounted on a panel. It can be used when the key release is conditioned by a PLC. The lock is available as standard with 1 cylinder and has mechanical and electrical operating options.
1ter Rue du Marais – Bât. B, 93106 Montreuil Cedex, FRANCE
E-mail :
Tél. : +33 1 48 18 15 15 – +33 6 82 60 54 93
Homepage – Sentric Safety Group Global