Booth S1 B-36
#publicsafety #publicwarning #earlywarning #situationalawareness #locationintelligence #telcometadata
Founded in 2004, Intersec is a global leader in telecom metadata and location intelligence solutions for public safety purposes. Our solutions guide telecom operators and public authorities in their data-driven revolution. At Intersec, Privacy by Design goes well beyond accepted standards: it assures regulatory compliance, no matter where our clients operate.
Early warning & public alerts: Combine Cell Broadcast and Location-Based SMS to reach close to 100% of the population and stay ahead of the crisis management curve.
Situational awareness for crisis response: Display real-time population heatmaps and trigger automated actions in line with each scenario ensuring swift and effective responses.
Emergency call location: Harness a diverse range of handset and network technologies to locate all emergency callers, route the best location available, and minimize rescue teams’ response time.
Live location data for citizens’ security: Combine geolocation techniques to reduce blind spots, improve accuracy, reduce response time, and enhance positioning capabilities.
Key figures:
1 billion connected people and devices worldwide on our platform.
100% connected people & devices leveraging telecom networks.
Up to 5,000 location points per SIM card per day.
Up to 5-meter accuracy. Proven network accuracy.
Ultra-low latency, as low as 0.1 second.

Intersec offers a resolutely multi-channel and specialized software suite at both government and mobile carrier levels for early warning, emergency alerts, and crisis management requirements, combining Cell Broadcast and LB-SMS technologies.

Our real-time situational awareness instruments provide public safety stakeholders with a digital twin of the in-situ field situation, in real-time and at scale to guide field operations, generate rapid decisions, and enhance citizens’ safety.

Intersec’s platform processes terabytes of network events in milliseconds and its unique location engine adds tremendous contextual insights. On top of the platform, Intersec delivers ready-to-use applicative solutions for public safety.

Tél. : +97 15 24 28 38 37
E-mail : sales@intersec.com
Intersec Group. Tour W, 102 Terr. Boieldieu – 92800 Puteaux