Hall 3.2 – Booth 210 R

#Manufacturer #Composite #Materials #Polymers #Railway #Sustainable

about us :

ALTHEORA, industrial equipment manufacturer, leader in the design and manufacture of complex parts and subassemblies of new generation composite materials and polymers.
Known since 1934 the Group has also developed expertise and cutting-edge technologies in such varied and demanding sectors as rail, aeronautics, or automotive industries.
ALTHEORA offers 100% integrated solutions, from R&D to production and co-develops new products with its customers in response to future major issues such as new mobility or smart cities. It also integrates an innovation laboratory: ALTHEORA shift.

The Group is built around centers of excellence:
COMPOSITE MATERIAL APPLICATIONS: MECELEC Composites masters all the major composite processes: Thermosetting compression (SMC), Thermoplastic Injection, Contact, Infusion and RTM (resin transfer molding). It processes all existing materials, and produces technically sophisticated parts (non-standard sizes, resistant to extreme temperatures, fireproof, with strong electrical insulation properties, etc.)
FINISHING WORK ON INDUSTRIAL PARTS: MC Coating is an industrial painting and coating specialist. It develops technological skills in liquid and powder painting. The company offers finishing work for parts up to the end product (painting, marking, insertion, cabling, surface treatments, etc.).
The Group is backed by the know-how of its employees spread over 5 plants in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (France) and one site in Romania. It currently supports more than 500 customers worldwide.


Expert in railway industry, we produce interior and rail tracks parts meeting the highest quality standards and strict qualifications in terms of fire, smoke, wear, sealing, insulation, signalling, mechanical and dielectric properties.

We produce interior and rail tracks parts meeting the highest quality standards and strict qualifications such as bogie insulating casing electric arcs, seat structure, 3rd rail cover or insulating clamps.


ALTHEORA has joined the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) since 2019
and thus undertakes to respect its ten principles in the field of human rights, labour law,
Environment and the fight against corruption.
ALTHEORA is part of the Coq Vert BPI France community, a community of companies involved in the ecological transition. It offers its members a set of concrete tools to promote the exchange of good practices, put them in visibility and accelerate their environmental and energy transition.
We have initiated a certification process with the BCorp label. This label reconciles the company’s financial and non-financial objectives by valuing value creation in its entire ecosystem.
We are ISO 9001 certified and committed to decarbonization, we are part of the first promotion of the industrial decarbonization accelerator of ADEME.


Bertrand VIEILLESales director
3 rue des condamines – 07300 Mauves – France

E-mail :
Tél. : +33 (0)4 75 07 87 07/ +33 (0)6 79 52 45 75