
Hall 3.2 – Booth 100 H

#Research #Innovation #CollaborativeRDIprojects #French #RailwaySector

about us :

Founded a decade ago at the behest of the i-Trans competitiveness cluster, Railenium, the Technological Research Institute for the rail industry, strives to enhance companies’ competitive edge by fostering collaborative innovation as a catalyst for growth and employment.
Situated in the Hauts-de-France region and backed by both the French government and the rail sector, Railenium spearheads innovation initiatives by forging partnerships between industry stakeholders and academic institutions. It orchestrates the execution of innovation endeavours that address industry challenges in tandem with public entities.


Estelle CARTIGNIESCommunication Manager
RAILENIUM 180 rue Joseph Louis – F-59308 Valenciennes Cedex – France

E-mail : contact@railenium.eu
Tél. : +33 (0)3 27 19 00 10/ +33 (0)6 81 77 60 40