#AI #Table-top-games #Start-up #Serious-Play #Design #Facilitation
about us :
Naonow is a Sino-French Joint-Venture established in 2016 in Shenzhen (China).
Our team is developing both products and facilitations exclusively customized for their clients.
Our work is based on the usage of high-tech products and patents into social and professional
Our Skills are pluridisciplinary and multicultural to insure the best integration and fusion possible
of the client’s needs and the market requirements.
Our products are original, scientific and ludic for optimizing their impacts and their effectiveness to
insure the best playful training time.
Internal training material for a public transportation company: Safety procedures Board-games set.
International market flagship product for AI Startup: Universal family Board-game collection.
AI disruptive patent application for public operations and usage: Interactive electronic Board-game.