Groupe Alsys

#ceramic membrane #membranes #crossflow filtration #filtration #engineering #reuse of waste water treatment

about us :

ALSYS develops innovative solutions to respond to technological, economic, and environmental challenges in the industry.
The Group Alsys commits to a responsible approach in order to provide a direction for innovation & growth while facilitating the application of chemistry and physics on the industrial scale.
ALSYS’s expertise in fundamental processes for the conservation of water and air using filtration and catalysis set for the future.
Several offices worldwide dedicated to fully follow our international customers.


Discover Orelis, member of Alsys Group: leader in advanced and tangential filtration.

Orelis, manufacturer of ceramic and polymeric membranes, provides microfiltration, ultrafiltration and nanofiltration for a wide field of industries.

Tangential and crossflow filtration is best to separate particles in liquids while preserving quality of molecules in both retentate and permeate.

Orelis also, through its commitments to continuous investment in R&D; developed pervaporation technology. An efficient advanced technology to achieve the optimal yield of high valued molecules combined with very low energy cost consumption.


Orelis offers tailored made and optimal liquid treatment solutions to their partners.

Orelis strong engineering expertise offers services specialized for the filtration processes: feasibility & pilot trials, engineering studies, SKID manufacturing, up to onsite installation, training, and ongoing support.

Orelis long and strong experience is committed to build SKID with optimized processes, optimized performances, high reliability, and high efficiency.

Trust Orelis for an innovative, efficient, and environmentally friendly high-end solutions.


Orelis already provided high-end products and solutions in a 360° range of markets and applications.

From the food and beverage industry to chemical sector, from wastewater treatment to oil fields;  from biotech to applications in the industries of the future, Orelis is able to find solutions in liquid separations for your needs. A high valued molecule needs to be purified, concentrated, Orelis is your partner of choice.

Example of various applications

F&B : wine filtration, fruit juice clarification,…

Chemicals:  pyrogenic water, clarification, and purification of organic acids..

Biotech: algae protein concentration, amino acids…

Industrial wastewater: textile industry water reuse, rolling oil treatment, …

REUT (Reuse of Treated Wastewater): wash water, scrubber, and bilge water emulsions…


Vincent GELEZEAUSales Manager
E-mail : communication@alsys-group.com
Tél. : +33 (0)4 66 85 95 36 – +33 (0)7 68 84 81 11

382 avenue du Moulinas

Website: www.alsys-group.com/en/