Sport Espaces Innovation SAS Company designs, develops, and distributes innovative sports facilities that enable mixed, intergenerational, and inclusive sports practices. It was founded in 2018 by François-Emmanuel VIGNEAU, architect and PhD in geography and land-use planning, former expert at the French Ministry of Sports for 23 years and lecturer at several universities.

Mixed, intergenerational and inclusive sport facilities

The Pitch’One brand designates a new range of multi-sport and multi-area facilities that allow the simultaneous practice of goal sports (such as soccer, handball, basketball, and field hockey) and net sports (including pickleball, badminton, volleyball and sepak takraw) without the need to handle or store posts and nets. Net sports reduce the risk of impact and physical differences between opponents, while the simultaneous use of multiple sport areas minimizes conflicts of use. Thus, Pitch’One facilities enable mixed, intergenerational, and inclusive sporting activities.

Their Solutions

The innovative design of Pitch’One facilities, patented in the USA, includes several fields that can be used simultaneously. Additionally, separation walls between sports areas are equipped with basketball, soccer and handball goals, or with soccer mini goals and fixed nets at three different heights for pickleball, volleyball and badminton. Goal sports are played between the walls and net sports are played over the walls of these facilities, without the need for handling or storage posts and nets.


François-Emmanuel Vigneau