


DEFIT is a mobile application designed to gamify and reward sports activities effectively boosting users’ motivation. It added an extra layer of fun on top of wearables data via advanced gamification mechanisms ensuring user continuance in engaging into physical activity. Leading them to live a more active and healthy lifestyle.Physical inactivity is costly. $300 billion to the world economy each year and 500 million people are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases this decade.

With its ingenious economic model, and its vibrant and colorful Babyfit collection inspired by the pop art movement, DEFIT aims to reverse the trend and inspire millions including the younger generation to embrace sport and physical activity.

Each babyfit is an athlete with its unique attributes and talent that can be leveled-up and and grown by achieving specific milestones.

DEFIT aims to build their brand and license their IP to create a cartoon and educate millions of children about the importance of sports and physical activity.

Revolutionizing Sports Gamification with Blockchain Technology

DEFIT is a pioneer in sport gamification and has integrated blockchain technologies within its ecosystem to ensure full transparency, ownership and security within its ecosystem. Its native token recorded over $100M transactional volume and is meant to support a new digital sport economy.

Their Solutions

DEFIT offers a complete ecosystem of interconnected product and services built around its brand and IP:

  • Mobile application: move to earn rewards and grow your babyfit. Proprietary in-app mobile tracker and full wearable compatibility.
  • Token: digital currency used to value, quantity and reward users efforts used as a mean of payment and transaction within the ecosystem
  • Babyfit: digital art collection one can buy, grow and evolve by practicing sport
  • E-commerce: sport shop offering merchandise and partner brand products where users get exclusive offers and can directly purchase vouchers or products with our native token


Kevin Serou
