#desalination #solardesalination #seawaterdesalination #brackishwaterdesalination #watertreatment #solarwatertreatment
about us :
The company specializes in innovative water treatment solutions with the use of renewable energy. The first development phase resulted in the industrialization of OSMOSUN, the world’s first industrial product range of seawater and brackish water solar powered desalination plants, with a daily production capacity ranging up to 50 000 m3 with hybridized energy sources. Since 2014, this groundbreaking patented innovation enables communities, public utilities and private organizations from the whole world to produce affordable and sustainable fresh water with no greenhouse gas emission. Our range of solutions is addressing all decentralized needs for water treatment installations.

Sea water solar powered desalination: OSMOSUN SW
Modular, the photovoltaic powered sea water reverse osmosis units (PV-SWRO) OSMOSUN SW adapt to the water needs of the most remote water-stressed areas, to produce between 1 m3 and 50 000 m3 per day from seawater. From the raw water intake to the concentrate management, all stages of an OSMOSUN project are designed based on OSMOSUN’s expertise to be perfectly adapted to the local context of arid locations of the world, to minimize the environmental impact and to optimize its water production cost.

Solar desalination of brackish water: OSMOSUN BW
The photovoltaic powered brackish water reverse osmosis units (PV-BWRO) OSMOSUN BW, dedicated to brackish water produce between 10m3 and 50 000 m3 per day. Modular, OSMOSUN BW units autonomously desalinate up to 50,000 m3 per day. The solar powered reverse osmosis desalination technology developed by OSMOSUN enables brackish water treatment. Water is considered brackish when salinity is lower than sea water and yet saline. We manage brackish water, generally found underground and extracted through boreholes, below 15 grams of salt per liter.

Standalone solar powdered mobile desalination solution: OSMOSUN Nomad.
Robust and rustic, OSMOSUN NOMAD water treatment units integrate all the equipment for the pre-treatment and filtration of sea water, brackish water, water polluted with fluorine or arsenic, to produce drinking water according to the criteria of the World Health Organization. Solution designed for rapid commissioning in a humanitarian, military or natural disaster context. Autonomous production up to 5m3 of drinking water per day powered by solar energy.


20 avenue Gustave Eiffel, 28630, GELLAINVILLE – FRANCE
E-mail : contact@osmosun.com
Tél. : +33 2 37 34 30 75