#water #sanitation #wastewater #environment #communities #industrial
about us :
Designer and builder of wastewater treatment plants, COHIN ENVIRONNEMENT carries out turnkey projects, both in the urban and industrial fields. The innovative side of COHIN ENVIRONNEMENT has made it possible to develop a completely biological wastewater treatment plant, located in a single basin via our patented purification process: the UniBiocell® Process.
The development of a whole range of WASTE WATER BOX, from the 40′ maritime container, to the wood or composite material solution, allows us to offer modularity and extensibility, to respond to variations in effluent quantities to be treated, but also to quickly cope with the needs for wastewater treatment, in a sustainable or temporary manner for emergency situations.
COHIN ENVIRONNEMENT is able to offer studies, audits, advice and technical assistance, as well as any specific services linked to the development of purification processes and sludge treatment.

The UniBiocell® process that we have developed is a sequential and continuous biological process, it ensures operation in three treatment stages in a single basin bringing together the biological treatment phase, the settling phase and the rejection phase. The process allows continuous supply and reliable discontinuous discharge of treated water.
This UniBiocell® process can be implemented in classic wastewater treatment plants made of concrete structures but also in the form of micro-stations or small mobile stations with the Waste Water Box product.
The UniBiocell® treatment system makes it possible to achieve purification efficiencies greater than 95% on BOD5 and COD.

Our WASTE WATER BOX is a compact, removable and mobile one-piece wastewater treatment plant, using our UniBiocell® system. The treatment capacity of the WASTE WATER BOX can be between 100 and 2000 PE thanks to the addition of several monoblock treatment plants from 100 to 300 PE.
The diversity of the WASTE WATER BOX range makes it possible to quickly respond to wastewater treatment needs, sustainably or temporarily for emergency situations.
Several ranges have been developed from the WASTE WATER BOX:
– Steel & Fiberglass
– Wood
– Maritime container
– Reinforced concrete
– Biodiscs

Advice & Audits
From the treatment of urban wastewater, industrial process water to sludge treatment, our engineers are able to provide quality advice.
We can provide technical assistance in the form of a wastewater treatment plant audit or a treatment plant performance study.
Thanks to its feedback in the field of wastewater treatment plant operation, Cohin Environnement has the capacity and skills to provide you with operating advice on your wastewater treatment plants.


6, Rue de la muette – 27490 CLEF VALLEE D’EURE
E-mail : j.cohin@cohin-environnement.com
Tél. : + 33 (0)1 84 73 21 21 – +33 (0)7 86 52 79 51